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08/28/1980 Council Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
08/28/1980 Council Minutes
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[66 <br />August 25, 1980 <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter moved to adjourn at 11:25 P.M. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Aye. <br />These minutes were considered, corrected, and approved at a regular meeting held <br />on September 8, 1980. <br />Edna L. Sarner Clerk- Treasurer <br />August 28, 1980 <br />The Special Meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order at 8:00 P.M., <br />on August 28, 1980 by Mayor Gourley. Council Members present; Elsenpeter, Kulasewicz, <br />Jaworski. Absent; McLean. Mr. Schumacher was also present. <br />The Public Hearing for Rezoning was called to order at 8:05 P.M. Mr. Brian Dobie <br />had requested the Rezoning from R -1 to R -2, Tracts A & Q in his addition. Mr. <br />Schumacher read the notice of publication. <br />Mr. Schumacher reported this had been reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Board at <br />their Just meeting and that Board had recommended approval of this rezoning. <br />Mr. Dobie said these Tots are on the market at the present time - he has no plans <br />for the development of the area himself. He felt that double bungalows or du- <br />plexs abutting Main Street would provide a good buffer for the single family re- <br />sidential area to the North. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz asked why he had requested this zoning on those tracts and Mr. <br />Dobie said this would make the property more attractive and provide a shield from <br />the traffic on Main Street. Mr. Dobie repeated that he has no plans for develop- <br />ing those oots - they are for sale. <br />Mayor Gourley asked for comment from the audience and Mrs. Gottwaldt asked where <br />these home would be constructed - would they have access to Main Street? Mr. Dobie <br />said just the first two tracts of land on either side of Wood Duck Trail and that the <br />homes would be constructed so as to face that street. <br />Mrs. Gottwaldt asked what classification of home would be constructed? Would <br />these be low cost housing? Mr. Dobie said that the Building Codes would have to be <br />followed thus ensuring standard homes. <br />Mr. Mike Ellefson - 620 Main Street - said they had a nice neighborhood and he <br />asked if low income housing is coming in that area? <br />Mayor Gourley said this rezoning is just for Tracts A & Q and only a duplex or <br />double bungalow can be constructed on those parcels of land - not multi - family <br />dwellings of any greater size. <br />Mr. Jeff Jones - 8042 Wood Duck Trail objected to the rezoning - he felt that <br />the construction of R -2 would depreciate his property. He felt this zoning would <br />increase traffic and that rental property is usually neglected and ends up being <br />a detriment to the neighborhood. <br />Mr. Russ Krube - 8121 Wood Duck Trail - said he had no oblections to this rezoning. <br />
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