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09/08/1980 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
09/08/1980 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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September 8, 1980 <br />The disbursements were considered. Mayor Gourley noted there is an addition to <br />the disbursment list. A C.O.D. package had arrived at the office and the Clerk <br />had paid for the item with her personal check in the amount of $42.39. <br />There was a question on the check to Don Striecher Guns - this item is a light <br />bar for the squad car. Mr. Jaworski requested that such unusual items be noted <br />so questions aren't necessary. Mr. Jaworski moved to approve the disbursements <br />including the addition as presented. Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion car- <br />ried unanimously. <br />Under Open Mike, Mr. Pete Nadeau had been scheduled. Mrs. Nadeau had been here <br />earlier and said Mr. Nadeau would noj- be able to be here this early. Mayor Gourley <br />had told her he would try and fit Mr. Nadeau in at a later time. <br />Mayor Gourley presented a Resolutuon authorizing the Clerk to sign the application <br />form for a contract for purchasing at SASP, for the 1980 -81 contract year. Mr. <br />McLean moved to approve this Resolution. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski,. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />Mr. Schumacher presented the request for interfund transfer of monies. This is for <br />the transfer of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds from that fund to the general fund, <br />also some monies from the dedicated park funds to the general fund. Mr. Schumacher <br />pointed out this is basic housekeeping to keep fund balances correct. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to approve the transfer of $47,198.00 from Federal Revenue Sharing <br />funds to General Funa. Seconded by Mrs. Elsenpeter. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to approve the transfer of $4,600.00 from Dedicated Park funds <br />to General fund. Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewica. Motion carried unanimously. <br />The Public Hearing on the Assessment Rolls for the Black Duck Drive project. <br />Mayor Gourley read a letter from Robert L. Peterson objecting to the policy of the <br />City requiring all assessments to be prepaid before a building permit will be <br />issued. <br />The Clerk read the legal publication of notice that was published in the paper. <br />Mr. Gotwald explained the matter in which the total cost of the project had been <br />computed:. He also explained that the undeveloped lands to the North had been <br />included in the computation for the amount it had cost to put the line deeper in <br />order to service this land. Mr. Gotwald had also computed the approximate cost to <br />the County for the portion of Black Duck Drive that borders Anoka County Park <br />Property. However, this amount was not a part of the basic assessment roll, but <br />was over and above. Mr. Gotwald explained that several methods had been conside- <br />ered for spreading the costs of this improvement project. The final cost had to- <br />taled out at $94.83 per front foot. The Tots on the cul -de -sac had been computed <br />by adding the front footage and the rear footage and the $94.83 per foot computed <br />on that figure. <br />Mr. Gotwald discussed the reasons why he had computed the costs for the Anoka <br />County Park land - the benefits to the park land by having water and streets <br />abutting the lands for the use of fire departments. There was some discussion as <br />to how this can be handled. The general consensus was that street and water <br />should be assessed and sewer assessments deferred. <br />Mr. McLean moved to assess the County for water and street for 535 feet and de- <br />fer the sewer assessments until needed and then assess on a per connection basis. <br />Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion carried unanimously. <br />
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