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09/22/1980 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
09/22/1980 Council Minutes
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10/20/2014 11:31:23 AM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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September 22, 1980 <br />this is in relation to the request for sewers at the 49 Club. Mr. Schumacher said <br />that Mr. Nathe will petition the City for the installition of sewer service in <br />that area. There was some discussion of the feasibility of this installition and <br />the possibility of the inclusion of other properties. This petition will be con- <br />sidered when received. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter. asked to discuss the actions of North Central Public Service in the <br />installation of gas lines into the Pine Haven Plat. She asked for some assistance <br />from this Council in getting this service before the heating season. <br />Mayor Gourley asked that a letter be written to North Central asking that this area <br />be handled as soon as possible. <br />Mr. Dick Paulson appeared before the Council to discuss the drainage problems on the <br />corner of Highway #8 and Main Street. <br />Mayor Gourley said he had discussed this matter with the manager of the Tom Thumb <br />store and he had agreed to allow a drain tile to be installed in the berm to drain <br />into the holding pond at that location. North Northeast also said they would do some <br />elevations to determine the flow of the water. <br />Mr. Paulson pointed out that one �f the culverts is plugged. This is a County cul- <br />vert and suggested that Mr. Paulson talk to the County. He said he had a couple of <br />times with no results. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz suggested that the City Engineer take a look of this and present <br />some alternatives for the solution of this problem. Mayor Gourley said he was trying <br />to get this problem taken care of without involving the City personnel. <br />Mr Kulaszewicz moved to instruct the City Engineer to look at this problem and pre- <br />sent a solution. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter felt that if the City allowed the Tom Thumb construction, then this <br />no longer a meighborhood problem, but a City problem in that the City allowed the <br />construction. <br />Mr. Schumacher said he had talked with Mr. Mobley about Tom Thumb Lnstallation and <br />at this tiee, they do not aave a legal occupancy. jThere were certain things that <br />were to be completed and has not been completed. <br />Mr. Jaworski asked if the plans for the Tom Thumb had been presented to the RCWB? <br />Mr. Schumacher indicated that he had done some research and could not find where <br />this had been presented to RCWB. <br />Mr. Gotwald felt this problem will be solved when the County completes its work on' <br />Highway #8. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz added to his motion, that this work be done and the cost be billed <br />to Tom Thumb and present the solution to the problem be presented to the property <br />owners. Mr. Schumacher requested that the County Engineers and the Building In- <br />spectors be involved in this also. <br />Mr. Paulson said he would like some solution to this problem in that he wants to <br />put in a new septic system before the winter. Mr. Schumacher warned the Council <br />that if City staff becomes involved it would be precedent setting for future drain- <br />age concerns on private property and the City may become liable for damages. <br />
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