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182 <br />suited. He asked if the legal opinion given on August 22, 1979 has changed? He felt <br />it is a question of whether the laws of the State of Minnesota are being violated. <br />He also said he has never appeared before any Council on a issue such as this with- <br />out any facts. He said the home owners have been asking for answers for two years <br />and have not received any facts to rebutt. He asked for a continuance of this <br />Council meeting for 22 weeks in order to gather these facts. Mr. Hook said there <br />has not been an application filed with the DNR or RCWB. He asked that this plat <br />be submitted to these Boards and then considered by this Council. Mr. Hook said <br />he would recommend this be sent back to the Planning add Zoning Board and wait for <br />the information for all the Boards and then let that Board make a determination on <br />its merits then forward to the Council and let this Council make a determination on <br />i3e merits. He said he didn't think that was too much to ask. <br />Mr. Paul DeNuccio, of E. Shadow Lake Drive, asked to speak and said he had been here <br />at least 20 times and had gone through the process of getting this project shut down <br />only to have it resurrected. There are a number of issues that never have been re- <br />solved on this thing - there are some very cloudy legal background as to whether <br />or not this use of this land is permissible at all. We seemed to have had a dictorial <br />statement that says 'forget about what the Ordinances in the City are, lets just forge <br />ahead on this.' Secondly, weave got a density problem that no one has ever tried to <br />wrestle with - we've just seen a type of density that's totally inconsistent with <br />what is out there, and it just knocks off one and comes back a year later and ex- <br />pects to get it passed. You're gonna put four times as much concrete and houses out <br />there on a space basis per use of land as what's out there right now. You're gonna <br />change what is primarily a single family neighborhood into something that is dominate - <br />ly a multi - family neighborhood because what's going in there now is gonna far over- <br />shadow the living situation that's there right now. There a lot of concerns in <br />terms of drainage and there's a water problem out there. It's nice to talk about <br />things being checked later but when the water's 6 inches from your basement and the <br />lake level, as it's been in the past for me, you think a little more seriously than <br />saying 'let's pass dt on and check it out later.' The plan, what happened to the <br />plan, Mr. Gourley that you worked 'on for two years when you were on the Planning and <br />Zoning Board, was approved by this Council, and this development is inconsistent with <br />the long range plan of this community. And it's not just putting in a couple of <br />buildings, you're talking about one of the major developments of this kind in the <br />Northern part of the Twin Cities Metro Area. All these reasons - never been answered - <br />just shoved aside and it's kinda like, 'that's OK, we'll take care of it.' So, I just <br />want to reiterate my indignation that the input of the people in Lino Lakes seems to <br />take the backseat to the input of the 'powers that be behind the scenes, in this in- <br />stance.' <br />Mr. Blackbird said if there were any questions as to their compliance with RCWB, Mr. <br />Mollanaro is working with that Board on comprehensive study of Lakes Add. #6 & #7. <br />Mr. Larry Johnson, the density problem has been thrown around quite a bit. Most quad - <br />reminium plats there are not considered unless they have acreage and the bedroom units <br />proposed. The density is figured on the bedroom area. Mr. Blackbird has said the den- <br />sity is the same whether the units have two bedrooms or four bedrooms. Shoreview did <br />a study and two bedroom units have approximately 3.3 people; 3 bedroom unit has 4 <br />people on the average in the Twin City area. That's what they use for density. As- <br />suming that one half of these units are two bedroom and half are three bedrooms, on <br />the 22 acres,and taking away the two acres for ponding, this plat is down to 20 acres, <br />he computed over 350 people on 20 acres of land and he felt this is one reason this <br />was denied by the Planning and Zoning Board. <br />Mr. Theimich read the petition for the record; We, the undersigned residents of <br />Lino Lakes oppose the quadreminiums project of Mr. El Rehbein's desire to construct <br />