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10/06/1980 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
10/06/1980 Council Minutes
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10/20/2014 11:44:23 AM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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October 6, 1980 <br />Mr. Schumacher explained the City's present financial condition noting that the 1980 <br />budget had some shortcomings and the 1980 receipts are well below what had been an- <br />ticipated. Mr. Schumacher further explained his recommendations for offsetting the <br />shortcomings of the 1980 budget. General Fund would end the 1980 year at just a <br />little over a zero balance. <br />Mr. Schumacher presented the first draft of the 1981 budget noting that there still <br />remains a lot of work to be done on it. The anticipated 1981 expenditures exceeds <br />the 1981 anticipated revenues by more than $100,000.00. <br />Mr. Schumacher presented a resolution for approving and adopting the 1980 Tax Levy, <br />collectible in 1981. The resolution is as follows: <br />RESOLUTION APPROVING, ESTABLISHING AND ADOPTING THE 1980 <br />TAX LEVY, COLLECTIBLE IN 1981 <br />WHEREAS, the City of Lino Lakes is in need of certain funds to pay expenses, obliga- <br />tions and indebtedness due and anticipated in the year 1981, and <br />WHEREAS, the City of Lino Lakes wishes to stay within the levy limitations imposed <br />upon it by the State of Minnesota, now <br />THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Lino Lakes, Anoka County, Minnesota, <br />hereby does levy the following sums of money for the current year, collectible in <br />the year of 1981, upon the taxable property in said City of Lino Lakes, to -wit: <br />1. Total amount levied in the year 1980 to be spread for taxes due and <br />payable in the year 1981 is in the total sum of $391,099.00. <br />2. The amount above levied is i;n the following amounts for the following <br />budgeted purposes: <br />a. Special Levies as authorized by Mn. Statutes, Section 275.50, Subd. 5 <br />and 6, of the 1980 Legislative session. <br />1. Liability Insurance 5,599 <br />2. Matching Funds Programs 6,050 <br />3. Bonded Indebtedness 15,600 <br />4. Certificates of Indebtedness 29,556 <br />5. Bonds for Other Government Unit 8,600 <br />6. Decrease Mobile Home Tax 254 <br />7. Clerk's Error of Omission 12,282 <br />8. Tax Abatements 3,285 <br />9. Unfunded Liability PERA 15,319 <br />10. Shade Tree Disease Control 8,648 <br />11. 1980/1981 Levy Limitation 285,906 <br />TOTAL 391,099 <br />The Bond and Interest Levy herein above is the actual amount requested to be spread <br />upon the tax rolls and any increase for the year 1981 over that previously levied is <br />necessary to cover a deficit in the fund in question and any decrease is determined <br />to be in order due to surplus in such particular fund. <br />Mr. McLean moved to adopt the Resolution as presented. Mr. Jaworski seconded the <br />motion. Motion declared passed. <br />
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