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10/14/1980 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
10/14/1980 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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191 <br />October 14, 1980 <br />Mr. Matzke of 482 Main Street, appeared to ask the Council for assistance in getting <br />a water problem solved for him. Mr. Matzke said the basic problem is the County ditch <br />that goes through that area is filled in and the water does not drain properly. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz asked if Mr. Matzke had contacted Mr. Paul Ruud, Engineer for Anoka <br />County - this would be one way to perhaps get some work done on this ditch. Mr. <br />Matzke said he had not. Mr. Kulaszewicz said he would contact Mr. Ruud and Mr. Robert <br />Burman on this problem and report back to the Council. <br />Bonnie 011ila and Wayne Bergman had requested to be on the agenda, but neither person <br />was present. <br />The next item to be considered was the setting of a Public Hearing for the use of <br />Federal Revenue Sharing Funds. Mr. Jaworski moved to set the meeting for November 10, <br />1980 at 8:00 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion carried unanimously. <br />The next item on the agenda was consideration of a request from North-Central Public <br />Service to install gas line in Rohavic Oaks and Lakes Add. #2. On considering the <br />Lakes Add. #2 request, Mayor Gourley asked about the easement that is not shown on <br />the County maps. Mr. Meister indicated these lines are in and this drawing is for <br />informational purposes. Mayor Gourley suggested this information should be sent to <br />the County. The proposal for Rohavic Oaks is a new installation in the street right - <br />of -way. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter moved to approve the gas line installation on Rohavic Oaks. Seconded <br />by Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion carried unanimously. <br />The next item on the agenda was authorization for Anfinson Hendricksen to perform the <br />1980 audit. Mr. Schumacher felt that this firm had done a good job last year and he <br />felt it would be costly to change auditors in that a new firm would have to learn the <br />system. There is an estimated $500.00 increase. He would recommend this firm be ap- <br />proved., Mrs. Elsenpeter moved to approve this authorization. Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />The resignation of Mrs. Susan Sears as a member of the Park Board. Mr. Jaworski moved <br />to accept with regrets, the resignation. Seconded by Mrs. Elsenpeter. Mayor Gourley <br />amended the motion to include a letter of thanks be written to Mrs. Sears.. This was <br />acceptable. Motion carried unanimously. <br />The Engineers report wos considered. The first item was the status of the water system <br />study. Mr. Meister presented two alternatives. 1) well in the Country Lakes Area <br />and the tank in the Shenandoah area - cost $1,268,960.00 construction cost; 2) well <br />between Country Lakes and Shenandoah 1,230,360.00. He said this is about as far as <br />the Engineering can go until they are authorized to do a complete water study for the <br />City. Mr. Meister presented a sample of another study for the Council to consider. The <br />estimated cost of this study would be approximately $12,000.00. This study would in- <br />clude the entire area of the City. <br />Mayor Gourley said the major problem of this subject is the fact that in order to get <br />this off the ground, is the expenditure of approximately $12,000.00. This City does <br />not have funds to put into a plan of this size and then put on the shelf and not carry <br />through with the constructuon. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter questioned the fact that perhaps Federal Funds may be available for <br />this study. Mr. Schumacher felt this would be questionable, but he will check into <br />this fact. <br />
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