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10/20/1980 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
10/20/1980 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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L98 <br />October 20, 1980 <br />year of 1981. In reviewing the expenditures for the year 1981 the total cost was <br />$814,000.00 thus creating a deficit of $145,000.00. Since the Council has levied <br />to the limit and all revenues have been anticipated. The one alternative is to cut <br />services or assess services. Mr. Schumacher asked the Council to consult the Public <br />Works Budget. There is $55,000 including $36,000 for seal coating; $14,300 for Lois <br />Land and 77th Street overlay and $4,000 for catch basin on East Shadow Lake Drive. Add <br />to this the materials for repairs, the only alternative Mr. Schumacher could come <br />up with is taking the $30,000 out for materials and the $55,000 for contractural <br />service and making this into an assessable project. Mr. Schumacher said he had <br />contacted other communities and this is the general practice. <br />Mr. McLean said he agreed with this concept - he felt this is one of the things that <br />has to be faced. <br />If this amount is deducted form the deficit, this brings this down to $60,000.00. <br />Other areas of reductions are; Police Dept. - $4,000.00; Public Works Dept. - <br />$8,000.00; Parks Dept. - $19,500.00; Government Bldg.- $3,000.00. With these re- <br />ductions the deficit is $25,500.00. <br />The Council went through the various budgets of the departments discussing areas <br />that could possibly be cut or eliminated. <br />The need for codification of the ordinances and the approximate cost was discussed, <br />also, the approximate starting date of this project in order to have some of the ex- <br />penditures fall due in 1982. <br />There was a recess at this point in the meeting. The meeting was reconvened and <br />Mayor Gourley asked if there was anyone who wished to speak under the Open Mike <br />and there was no one. <br />The first item on the continued agenda was consideration of the special use permit <br />for Mr. Aldridge for the construction of a building in Carole Estates 11 along <br />Highway #8, for the prupose of a plumbing establishment. <br />Mr. Schumacher presented the layout of this proposed construction and reported that <br />this had been approved by the P &Z. There is a phone message from Mr. Willenbring <br />of Hickok Engineering (RCWB) which states that Mr. Aldridge does not need RCWB ap- <br />proval bur Mr. Menkveld must renew his permit on Carol Estates 11 and has been noti- <br />fied by RCWB of this. <br />Mayor Gourley felt this information should be in writing. <br />Mayor Gourley moved to approve this Special Use Permit contingent upon written appro- <br />val of RCWB. Seconded by Mr. McLean . Motion carried unanimously. <br />1 <br />The Clerk was instructed to publish Ord. #56R as corrected at this meeting. Mr. McLean <br />so moved. Seconded by Mrs. Elsenpeter. Motion carried unanimously. <br />The next item on the agenda was the Liquor Ordinance. Mayor Gourley had some questions <br />as to the legality of establishing fees by Resolution. He read material he had re- <br />ceived from the League of Cities on this subject. <br />Mr. McLean asked what purpose this new ordinance serves and Mayor Gourley said it is III <br />basically a codification of all Liquor Ordinances now on the books within the City <br />of Lino Lakes. This new ordinances also defines 'premises' and also deals with the <br />transfer of stocks in a corporation. <br />
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