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10/27/1980 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
10/27/1980 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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October 27, 1980 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M., <br />October 27, 1980 by Mayor Gourley with- all members present. Mr. Rick Johnson <br />substituted for Mr. Locher who was ill. Mr. Schumacher was also present. <br />On considering the minutes of October 6, 1980, the minutes were approved as presented. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to approfe the disbursements as presented. Seconded by Mr. <br />Kulaszewicz. Motion carried unanimously. <br />The minutes of October 14, 1980 were approved as presented. <br />Under Oper Mike, Mr. Sharppen was not present. Mrs. Joe Gregoire was present re- <br />presenting her husband with a request for Council consideration for changing the <br />City ordinance restricting the parking of vehicles fo over 9,000 lbs. gross weight <br />in a residential area. Mr. Gregoire is an over the road truck driver and he wants <br />to bring the tractor home and park overnight in his driveway. <br />Mr. McLean asked if there was any relationship to the gross weight of this type of <br />vehicle to what the City ordinance allows and the general consensus of the Council <br />is there is none. It was concluded that a tractor would weigh approximately 13,000 <br />pounds as compared to 4,500 for a pickup, this is empty weight. <br />The consensus of the Council was this should be tabled for further study before a <br />decision is made. Mayor Gourley pointed out that recreational vehicles are allowed <br />in a residential area and these are over the 9,000 pound limit figure. <br />1 <br />The Council asked for a staff report on the impact of this type of usage as compared II <br />to that is currently allowed in relationship to the streets. <br />Mr. Schilling was not present to discuss the drainage problem of Mr. Karth so this <br />matter was tabled until Mr. Schilling arrived. <br />The Planning and Zoning Board report was considered. Mr. Schumacher presented Mr. <br />Malley's request for special use permit to construct a metal pole building on his <br />land of Knoll Drive for the purpose of restoring and storing antique cars. Mr. <br />Schumacher pointed out that the City ordinance restricts a metal building to 150 <br />square feet, the State Building Code restricts a non - commercial accessory building <br />to 1,000 square feet. Mr. Malley has asked for permission to construct a building <br />40X64. <br />Mr. Malley said he bought the property for the purpose of having his hobby at home. <br />He did not want any junk laying around outside, that is why his plans to construct <br />a pole building of this size was necessary. Mr. Malley asked for a variance to the <br />1,000 square foot restriction. <br />Mayor Gourley pointed out that the 1000 sq. foot restriction is a part of the State <br />Building Code and not a City restriction. This is not new. The secondary structure <br />cannot be any larger than the primary structure. Mr. Johnson said that he did not <br />feel that once the City has adopted the State Building Code, they can arbitrarily <br />vary the requirements. <br />Mr. Jaworski felt, that in order for Mr. Malley not to lose his deposit, perhaps <br />this matter should be tabled and allow Mr. Malley some time to work with Mr. <br />Kluegel on an alternate. Mayor Gourley pointed out that the $100.00 deposit is <br />refundable providing that there are no costs incurred relating to Planner or En- <br />gineer. <br />
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