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11/05/1980 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
11/05/1980 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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06 <br />November 5, 1980 <br />These minutes were considered, corredted, and approved at a regular meeting held on <br />December 8, 1980. <br />, , <br />,Ze..,f__ -_ 0/1-4.-Aie-Li <br />Edna L. Sarner Clerk- Treasurer <br />November 10, 1980 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M. <br />on November 10, 1980 by Mayor Gourley with all Council members present. Mr. Locher, <br />Mr. Meister and Mr. Schumacher were also present. <br />1 <br />On considering the minutes of October 27, 1980, there was some questions on the matter <br />of the statement made by Mr. McLean in conjunction with the decision on the LeRoux <br />matter. The Clerk is to listen to the tapes of the October 13, 1980 and the October 27, <br />1980 meetings and correct these statements. Mr. Kulaszewicz moved to table consideration <br />of these minutes until November 24, 1980. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz moved to approve the disbursements as presented. Seconded by Mr. <br />Jaworski. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Under Open Mike, Mr. Al Ross asked to speak. He said that under the conditions that <br />existed on Election Day, he felt the Judges did a very good job and they are to be <br />commended. He suggested some alternatives to avoid this problem in the future. In <br />conjunction with actions of the Park Board on the sale of LaMotte Park, Mr. Ross felt <br />that with 2500+ acres of a Regional Park, it is not necessary to expand any further. <br />Mr. Ross also commented on the Letter to the Editor in the Circulating Pines on <br />Council actions in relationship to endoring candidates. He felt this person should be <br />called in for a public apology in order to avoid this type of thing in the future. <br />Mr. Brian Dobie had asked for time under the Open Mike to present his request for the <br />release of $4,000.00 being held in escrow for the completion of the Street in his <br />9 P <br />project just North of Main Street. Mr. Dobie said the street has been in for over a <br />year and he questioned the need for a Letter of Credit for 20% of the cost of the pro- <br />ject to be in effect for the next year. There was discussion on this point with the <br />decision of the Council being that the Letter of Credit is necessary because the street <br />had not been finished up to this point in time. Mr. Dobie pointed out that the street <br />surface had been installed over a year and there has been no problems. Mr. Dobie said <br />that a letter had been written by Mr. Gotwald on Aug. 17- 1979 stating that the street <br />surface was in and acceptable - there were some minor items that needed to be completed. <br />Mr. Dobie's money in escrow had been reduced to $4,000.00 at that time. <br />Mr. Jaworski asked if this money had been for repair of the srreet in case of break <br />up or was it left to insure the completion of the items that were incomplete? <br />Mayor Gourley felt the maintenance bond started the date the streets were accepted <br />by the City as a City Street. The letter from the Engineers stating that the street <br />is complete and meets City specifications has been received and is dated October 7, <br />1980. <br />Mr. Jaworski repeated the fact that the bond for street maintenance starts at the time <br />
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