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11/10/1980 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
11/10/1980 Council Minutes
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10/20/2014 1:17:23 PM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />November 10. 198 -' <br />the City accepts the street as a City Street. Mr. Dobie said he understood this, but <br />he is caught in the transition - he began under one set of rules and is now being <br />asked to continue under a different set of rules. Mrs. Elsenpeter agreed. <br />Mr. McLean moved to accept the street in Mr. Dobie's plat based on the Engineer's re- <br />commendation dated October 7, 1980. Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />The date of the maintenance bond will begin as of this date. This is to be 20% of the <br />construction casts of $16,000.00 or $3,200.00. Mr. Dobie was undecided as to how he <br />wished to handle this matter. The Council suggested he contact Mr. Schumacher with <br />his decision, and the Council will go with Mr. Schumacher's recommendation. <br />Mr. Homer Bruggeman appeared to discuss basically the same problem. He also questioned <br />the maintenance bond requirement since his plat had also began under a different set <br />of rules. Mr. Bruggeman outlined the work that had been done in his plat. He had <br />understood that the requirement was for the City's protection, but he strongly disagreed <br />with the changing of rules. Mr. Bruggeman asked if the agreement reached on the con- <br />struction of the boulevards in his plat was still in effect(and the Council said that <br />it was. The Clerk is to send Mr. Bruggeman a copy of the minutes setting forth these <br />stipulations. Mr. Bruggeman asked if his street had been accepted. Mr. Schumacher <br />read a copy of the letter that had been sent to Mr. Bruggeman setting forth the main- <br />tenance bond requirement. <br />Mr. Bruggeman felt the 'as- builts' had been for warded to the City Engineers, but he <br />will check and if not, will forward them. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to reduce the Letter of Credit form $22,000.00 to the required <br />$7,000.00. Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. Mayor Gourley ssked that the motion be <br />amended to include the acceptance of Foxtail Drive and Foxtail Court. Mr. Jaworski <br />accepted the amendment - Mr. Kulaszewicz accepted the amendment. <br />Mr. Schumachdr asked Mr. Bruggeman, if the City has a program whereby the streets were <br />installed by the City and accessed to the property, would he be willing to partic- <br />ipate? And Mr. Bruggeman said he would - he felt that the installation under this <br />method would produce better streets since they would be better controlled. <br />Mayor Gourley called for the question. Motion carried unanimously. <br />The Clerk is to send a copy of the minutes setting forth the variance to the width of <br />the berm on the streets in West Oaks. <br />Mr. Karth appeared before the Council asking for clairfication of the 'storage yard' <br />classification as set forth in Ordinance #56. He asked if this means a place where <br />just equipment is stored or does it include an operation where equipment is parked <br />in conjunction with the offices and shop? <br />Mr. Karth pointed out that if the lands in question must be rezoned to HI to allow <br />storage yards, this is also opening this area up to junk yards, etc., which could <br />bring in some undesirable operations. He felt the use of the land could be controlled <br />on the first sale, but what happens when the,land is resold. <br />Mayor Gourley felt that the LI classification did not include storage yards. Mr. McLean <br />suggested a dual zoning. Mr. Karth thanked the Council for their suggestions. He will <br />consider and return. <br />
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