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01/12/1981 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
01/12/1981 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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January 12, 1981 <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz moved to approve the December 31, 1980 disbursements. Seconded by Mr. <br />IIIMcLean. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Jawosski moved to approve the disbursements of January 12, 1981. Seconded by Mr. <br />Kulaszewicz. Motion carrued unanimously. <br />Mary Clare Wahlberg and Rose Branville appeared before the Council to present informa- <br />tion on the formation of a United Way Chapter to include the City of Lino Lakes and to <br />request Council approval for the insertation of donation cards in the Employees payroll <br />envelopes. Next year deductions may be made from the payroll. <br />Mrs. Wahlberg explained that donations made to another community are not available for <br />use in this community for service. This is the basic reasoning for the formation of <br />this chapter of the United Way. More information will be forwarded to the City offices. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to approve the insertation of donation cards in the'employee pay en- <br />velopes. Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion carried unanimously. <br />The hearing for the consideration of the finding of facts in conjunction with the Special <br />Use Permit for El Rehbein & Son for the development of Lakes #7 was opened. <br />Mayor Gourley announced the format for this hearing will be as follows; 1) The Attorney's <br />presentation; 2) Mr. Schumacher's presentation; 3) Mr. Bill Short, City Planner; 4) Mr. <br />Ken Meister, City Engineer; 5) the Developer; 6) members of the audience. Questions for <br />clarification will be allowed. He asked that the consultants be allowed to give their <br />testimony first. 7) The Council will then make a decision on the permit. 8) Adjourn the <br />hearing. <br />Questions for clarification from the audience will be allowed at any time upon recognition <br />by the Chair. However, Mayor Gourley asked that additional testimony be made at the pro- <br />per time. <br />Mr. Locher presented a short resume of the history of the Special Use Permit noting that <br />it was issued in March of 1970 for Townhouses and apartments. In August of 1971, Ordin- <br />ance #56 was published. Special Use Permit #27 was issued under Ordinance #6 which pro- <br />vided that a permitted use in a Residential District was 2 -4 family dwellings and apart- <br />ments by Special Use Permit, upon recommendation by the Planning and Zoning. Under Or- <br />dinance #6 there was only two districts - residential and commercial. <br />Mr. Locher pointed out that under Ordinance #56, 6.20, a zoning map was to be prepared - <br />no map has been prepared to date. So, except for particular areas that have been re- <br />zoned by request, the City has two (21 zoning districts - Residential and Commercial. <br />Judge Bakke heard the arguments and is before this Council per the Judge's suggestion. <br />Under 6.21 of Ord. #56 there should be an application for a Special Use Permit. (This <br />section deals with the completion of the project within three (3) years). <br />Mr. Locher noted the hearints that had been held in May, June, and July. Action had been <br />taken at that time on all existing Special Use Permits and Rezoning - some had been con- <br />tinued - some had been revoked. All had been considered including #27, which had been <br />continued. The record of this Council action is on file. <br />Mr. Schumacher presented a brief history of the permit. In April of 1972 a final plat for <br />Townhouses was approved on a portion of Outlot K. This plat was never recorded. In July <br />of 1980, all Special Use Permits and Rezoning were reviewed. <br />
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