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01/26/1981 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
01/26/1981 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />January 26, 1981 <br />241 <br />1979 through January 4, 1980. Mrs. Elsenpeter moved to approve the disbursements <br />as presented, holding the check for Mr. Vadnais for clarification. Seconded by <br />Mr. Jaworski. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Under Open Mike, Mrs. ,ielores Feitz and Mrs. Jill Kaminski appeared uefore the Council <br />with a proposal for an alternative animal control. Mrs. Deitz is a member of the <br />Humane Society and objected to methods used at the current facility being contracted. <br />She asked the Council to consider a facility in White Bear run by Mr. Tom Engler. <br />Mrs. Kaminski presented some figures and a copy of the proposed contract to Mayor <br />Gourley. The basic fee is $1300.00 per month which would be divided among as many <br />communities as are under contract. This is for a five day week, 8 hours per day. <br />(Phone 426- 4013). Mayor Gourley suggested that Mr. Locher compare the two contracts. <br />Mr. McLean suggested having this operator before the Council for information on his <br />operation. Mayor Gourley thanked the ladies for their time and information. <br />The Planning and Zoning Report of January 21, 1981 was considered. The first item on <br />the agenda was a rezoning request by Mr. Roger Acton. This request is to rezone two <br />parcels of land just North of Cedar Street and West of 135E. The purpose of the re- <br />zoning is to allow for the installation of bill boards on that property. Due to a <br />State Law, lands must either be LI or Commercioi or permits for the bill boards will <br />not be issued by the State. <br />Mr. Short had reviewed this rezoning request and had._recommended that a planned use <br />of the land to include ingress and egress be presented before rezoning Is considered. <br />Mr. Schumacher had talked with MNDOT and had been told that if lands are rezoned for <br />the sole purpose of allowing signs to be installed, the State will not issue the per - <br />mits. <br />Mr. McLean pointed out that there are highway signs directly across the freeway, Also, <br />there is no direct access to this property. He felt that a plan for the use of this <br />land should be presented before any rezoning is considered. Mr. McLean said he agreed <br />with Mr. Short's letter... <br />Mr. Schumacher reported that the Planning and Zoning Board had recommended that this <br />rezone application be considered. <br />Mr. McLean moved that the application for the rezone be denied for lack of sufficient <br />information. Mr. Acton to present a design for the use of the land. Seconded by Mr. <br />Jaworski. Motion carried unanimously. <br />The request of Brian Barrot for the purpose of moving in a home on property located <br />on Birch Street. The parcel of land contains 21 acres. Mr. Schumacher reported <br />that the Planning and Zoning Board had recommended this variance to Ord. #78 be <br />granted and a permit be issued for the moving in of the home, with money in leiu 0+ <br />land for Park purposed, insulation to be installed to bring the R factor to 38 and <br />repairs on the outside of the building to be completed per the Building Inspector. <br />Mr. Schumacher pointed out that Ord. #78 prohibits the splitting of lands by metes and <br />bounds but does allow for a variance. <br />Mr. Kluegel presented pictures of the home and reported that the electrical and plumb- <br />ing had been upgraded in May 1978 - the outside of the home does need some work. <br />
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