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04/27/1981 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/27/1981 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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April 27, 1981 <br />290 <br />two occasions. The P &Z had recommended approval of this with concerns <br />in the area of water and sewer. Mr. Kluegel has talked with the County <br />Health Department and Mr. Chirsitanson had recommended a new well be <br />installed and that the septic system be enlarged. <br />Mayor Gourley asked if the matter of screening or landscaping in re- <br />lation to the lands to the North had been discussed and Mr. Schumacher <br />said, No, not specifically. Mayor Gourley pointed out that Mr. Short had <br />recommended that a fence be installed on that property line and that there <br />should be a five foot setback for the parking area. This five feet should <br />be landscaped. <br />Mr. Schumacher pointed out that the dust free surface for the parking <br />lot had also been discussed with the PIZ recommending a gravel base with <br />Class 5 at this time. <br />Mayor Gourley pointed out that Mr. Short had realinged the driveway exit <br />and the alignment of the parking spaces. This is different than the one <br />accepted by the P&Z. Mayor Gourley asked the Anoka County Highway Depart- <br />ment had been contacted? He felt this should be cleared. <br />The areas to be addressed by this Council is the realignment of the <br />driveway, the realignment of the parking spaces, the five foot setback, <br />the screening or fencing and the lack of approval from the Anoka Highway <br />Department. The concerns of the Health Department also. <br />1 <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter felt that, if the proposed sewer project is to be installed <br />would it be fair to require the installation of a new system at this <br />point in time? <br />The property line on the North side was discussed with the developers <br />indicating that a fence is in place on that line at the present time. <br />The matter of maintaining a five foot setback from that fence was dis- <br />cussed with some sort of planting in that five feet. Mrs. Elsenpter <br />pointed out that although this is a resident, there is commercial usage. <br />The general consensus of the Council was that grass would be acceptable in <br />that area. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz moved to approve this special use permit with the follow- <br />ing stipulations; 1) that the driveway and parking area will'be aligned <br />per Mr. Short's recommendations; 2) approval of the Anoka County Highway <br />Department on the ingress and egress; 3) grass be planted in the five foot <br />setback area on the NOrth line; 4) the County Health Department's require- <br />ments as to the septic system be followed; and 5) a new well be installed. <br />Seconded by Mr. McLean. Mayor Gourley asked if anyone in the audience had <br />come to speak on this proposal and there was none. The motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />VARIANCE - ALCOCK ESTATES <br />Mr. Schumacher presented the actions of the PEZ, pointing out this land is <br />being split into three parcels of land and falls under Ordinance #78. <br />The PfZ had recommended approval of this with no park dedication be re- <br />quired at this time. <br />Mayor Gourley pointed out that this land does not have frontage on a <br />street and is therfore unbuildable. At some point in the future when this <br />land is platted, then the park dedication will be required. <br />
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