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1 <br />BUDGET MEETING <br />September 2, 1986 <br />The budget meeting was called to order at 6:30 P.M. by Mayor Benson. <br />Members present: Marier, Bohjanen, Reinert. Members absent: Bisel. <br />City';Accountant, Joe Huss; Administrator, Randy Schumacher and Clerk - <br />Treasurer Marilyn Anderson were also present. <br />Mr. Schumacher explained Mr. Huss was resigning very soon and he <br />wanted to present preliminary budget figures to the Council. Written <br />material had been presented to the Council. Mr. Schumacher explained <br />that every month in 1986 has been good in that General Fund operated <br />with a positive cash flow and is expected to continue to do so for <br />th entire year. The only departments experiencing over runs are <br />Public Works due to spring flooding and Consultants due to the Com- <br />prehensive Plan update. <br />Comparative - Budget Receipts - Levy 1986, $835,500; 1987 projected <br />to be $915,000 (no mill rate increase). The increase in total re- <br />ceipts from 1986 to expected to be $68,132. There will be <br />no Federal Revenue Sharing in 1987. Mr. Schumacher explained the <br />figures and calculations on page two of the handout regarding how <br />the estimated mill rate was established. <br />Major Expenditures Issues - Mr. Schumacher outlined the material and <br />uncontrollable increases in the 1987 budget: 1) 12% insurance; 2) <br />special studies; 3) union contracts and salary adjustments; 4) in- <br />crease in street lighting; 5) replacement of copy machine. Additional <br />issues; payments on firehall, addition to firehall, acquiring land <br />adjacent to firehall, proposed Fire District increase in budget, <br />increase in police department staff and vehicles, increase in Public <br />Works overlay and seal coat programs, increase in Consultants bud- <br />get due to water management study, Civil Defense siren program and <br />new Public Works building. <br />There was a question regarding the Fire Department budget. Mr. Sch- <br />umacher explained that the budget is not finalized and there will be <br />further discussion on this budget. Mayor Benson noted that this de- <br />partment is proposing adding ten new firefighters and creating new <br />paid positions. <br />Policy Issues: Police Department requesting one additional officer <br />and two new vehicles. <br />Public Works - $40,000 increase in overlay program <br />and $10,000 increase in seal coat program. <br />Consultants - Rice Creek Watershed District 901 <br />Surface Water Plan. The plan will allow this City <br />to adopt its own watershed plan and plug it in to <br />the 901 plan. There were comments regarding the <br />function of RCWD. <br />Civil Defense Siren Plan - Mr. Tesch is working with <br />several siren companies to develop a plan for this <br />City to implement on a phase basis. <br />Public Works Building - Mr. Schumacher has information <br />regarding what this would cost the City and informat- <br />