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05/26/1987 Council Minutes (2)
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/26/1987 Council Minutes (2)
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MAY 26, 1987 <br />A special meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order <br />by Mayor Benson at 6:13 P.M. Council Members present: Reinert, <br />Bisel, Marier. Council Members absent: Bohjanen. City <br />Administrator, Randy Schumacher and Clerk - Treasurer, Marilyn Anderson <br />were also present. <br />Mayor Benson explained the purpose of this special meeting was to <br />interview candidates for the City Assessor position. <br />Mr. Schumacher told the Council that he advertised the position in the <br />St. Paul, Minneapolis and local papers. He had narrowed the <br />candidates down to three and one of these three has since indicated <br />that he is not interested in the position. The two candidates are <br />Gregory Johnson and David Anderson. <br />Mr. Gregory Johnson from Cambridge, Minnesota was the first candidate <br />interviewed. Mr. Johnson gave his experience in this field and also <br />his educational background. He has been in the real estate field for <br />nine years and has experience with commercial construction. He also <br />received his appraisal certificate in 1981 and has continued his ed- <br />ucation in this field. He has worked part time for the City of Osseo <br />for three years and currently works for Isanti County in the assessors <br />office. He will be finishing his assessors degree at Anoka Ramsey <br />Community College and plans to attend Metro University or Concordia <br />College for a Bachelors Degree. He does plan to stay in this field <br />after receiving his degree. <br />Mr. Reinert asked Mr. Johnson if he had any experience with green <br />acres. Mr. Johnson explained that Isanti County has many thousands of <br />acres of green acres. He also noted that he has worked abatements and <br />green acres payback. <br />Mr. Bisel asked since his home is in Cambridge, what would he see as <br />disadvantages in the Lino Lakes position. Mr. Johnson said the <br />telephone. He has looked into the possibility of getting a watts <br />line. This will be no problem. Also it is about a forty minute drive <br />to Lino Lakes so he would plan each trip to encompass as much work as <br />possible. Some advantages would be not having any relatives in Lino <br />Lakes, and he could do a good job and not play favorites. <br />Mr. Schumacher asked since Mr. Johnson has a full time position, when <br />would he be doing the Lino Lakes assesment. Mr. Johnson explained, <br />evenings, weekends and his wife would be assisting hint. His wife also <br />has some education in this field. <br />
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