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01/12/1987 Council Minutes (2)
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
01/12/1987 Council Minutes (2)
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COUNCIL MEETING <br />January 12, 1987 <br />Page Two <br />CONSIDERATION OF QUOTES FOR PURCHASE OF NEW COPY MACHINE - DAN TESCH <br />Mr. Tesch has prepared an analysis of the copy machines he has <br />researched for possible purchase by this City. The current <br />ce <br />Xerox machine is over five years old and is are esignedotocprodu000 <br />1500 to 2000 copies per month. Currently, we <br />to 8000 copies per month and the increase in the cost of the <br />maintenance contract has made it imperative that the City con- <br />siders purchasing an updated machine with features such as two - <br />sided copying, automatic document feeder and a sorter /collator. <br />The four copy machines researched are: Xerox, Cannon, Mita and <br />Sharp. It is his recommendation that the City purchase the <br />Cannon copier. The cost fits within the budget, has the best <br />maintenance agreement and has the ability to add other features. <br />Mr. Reinert asked if leasing a machine was considered. Mr. <br />Schumacher explained it was considered, but it is more expensive <br />than purchasing. <br />Mr. Bisel moved to approve the purchase of the Cannon copy machine <br />with the automatic features. Mr. Bohjanen seconded the motion. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />PRESENTATION BY GAS FRANCHISE CONSULTANT, NORM DIETRICH CONCERN- <br />ING OPERATION OF GAS f <br />Mr. Dietrich explained he was asked to look ito hidde ofno <br />Lino Lakes starting its own gas company by purchasing <br />I t was hes <br />Lakes portion of the Circle Pines gas company. company <br />opinion that with the current 184 customers, gas co co per year <br />would operate in the red, initially possibly 811,000.00 gas <br />until the number of customers reached 300 to 350. However, <br />norllt he pointiwhere the lgas rcompany ecould perateein customers <br />theblack. <br />reaached ed the point <br />Benson asked what problems would this City encounter. Mr. <br />Dietrich said most important would be the cash flow problem. Also <br />the City would have to hire a person who is very familiar with <br />the operation of a gas system. This person would have to do <br />everything except construction until the system became profitable. <br />Mayor Benson asked if Lino Lakes agrees to contract face? Pines for the next five years, what would this City Mr. <br />Dietrich said he was pleased that there was a clause in the <br />•chise that allowed Lino Lakes to purchase the system. How- <br />ever, it will be much more costly since it can no longer be <br />purchased at the depreciated value. <br />Mayor Benson asked Mr. Dietrich if Lino Lakes should odego intouthec <br />gas business. Mr. Dietrich said he was a big proponent <br />utilities, however, Lino Lakes would be competing with North <br />Central and it would require considerable more growth in the <br />system. <br />1 <br />
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