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02/27/1987 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/27/1987 Council Minutes
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10/28/2014 12:09:17 PM
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10/28/2014 9:14:07 AM
City Council
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Council Minutes
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to bring the lower end of the scale into line. Mr. Schumacher said <br />this would satisfy the requirement of preparing a plan but it would be <br />difficult to put into effect. <br />Mr. Bisel asked where this City would find the money to correct the <br />inequity, raise taxes? Mr. Schumacher said the League of Minnesota <br />Cities is lobbying for legislation that would require the legislature <br />to fund the new programs that it mandates. <br />Mayor Benson asked specifically where are the inequities? Mr. <br />Schumacher said, assessor, clerk - treasurer, accounting clerk and <br />building inspector. Mayor Benson asked what would happen if the <br />police department and public works department were taken out of the <br />study since they are union and then work with the remaining positions. <br />Mr. Tesch said there is still a difference in points and this will <br />have to be addressed. The legislature is looking for an initial good <br />faith adjustment but there is nothing in the legislation that says <br />raises must be given each succeeding year. <br />Mr. Marier said he would like to see a range for the point system with <br />the understanding that this was a range of what could happen. <br />Mayor Benson said he would like a response prepared by August lst. <br />indicating that the Council is trying to be fair but also working <br />within the budget and indicating that we have two unions and we would <br />deal with the salaried employees only by putting certain criteria into <br />each step. <br />Mr. Bisel asked what would happen if the City did not respond at all? <br />Mr. Tesch said at this point nothing. Mayor Benson said that this <br />City should explain that we do not agree with the legislature and <br />conduct a poll of other entities to see if there is agreement. Mr. <br />Reinert suggested going slow. Mr. Bisel suggested that we should let <br />the state know we have a problem with this mandate. <br />PERSONNEL EVALUATIONS <br />Mr. Schumacher asked the Council for directions regarding employee <br />evaluation. He explained that last year he had put a lot of time and <br />effort into employee evaluations and felt he was not supported by the <br />Council. He had prepared a compensation schedule several years ago <br />and is still working with this schedule. He asked if the Council <br />wanted this schedule updated. <br />Mr. Marier asked Mr. Schumacher to evaluate each employee and make his <br />recommendation and to give his reasoning. Mr. Bisel said that since <br />Mr. Schumacher knows each employee better than the Council he would <br />have no problem backing him up. It is his responsibility to build a <br />case for the advance of each employee. Mr. Schumacher said if the <br />Council does not agree with his evaluations he would like to know why. <br />REORGANIZATION OF POSITIONS <br />
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