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02/08/1988 Council Minutes (2)
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City Council Meeting Minutes
02/08/1988 Council Minutes (2)
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />COUNCIL MEETING <br />FEBRUARY 8, 1988 <br />Mr. Reinert moved to reappoint David Cody. Mr. Bohjanen <br />seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Bisel <br />said he had contacted the current Board members and they are <br />ail pleased with Mr. Cody's leadership. <br />Mayor Benson noted that Mr. McLean is out of the state and <br />could not be here for further questions from the Council. <br />Mayor Benson asked the new applicants to make a statement to <br />the Council. <br />Elmer Crohn, 8021 Aenon Place - Mr. Crohn explained his <br />thirty years of background in real estate and noted that he <br />retired in 1986 but has continued as a fee appraiser for the <br />Veterans Administration. He felt the major issues facing <br />Lino Lakes included increasing the tax base by bringing in <br />industry and the orderly transition of expansion of Lino <br />Lakes. He explained if a conflict of interest arises he <br />would inform the Board of this and abstain from voting on <br />the issue. He felt his role on the Board would be reviewing <br />plats, variances, etc. for compliance to applicable City <br />Codes and make recommendations to the Council. Since he is <br />retired he would not have a problem with the amount of time <br />needed to fill this position. <br />John Bergeson, 6996 West Shadow Lake Drive - Mr. Bergeson <br />explained that he is the chief financial officer for Bethel <br />College and is currently serving on the Lino Lakes Economic <br />Development Committee. He felt he had a good understanding <br />of issues that will come before the P & Z Board and he would <br />come to the Board without any vested interest since he is <br />not involved in any real estate in Lino Lakes other than his <br />home. He felt the major issues facing Lino Lakes is the <br />need for an overall plan for development that can stand the <br />test of time. He also felt it was important that citizens <br />have ownership in that plan. If a matter of conflict of <br />interest came before the Board Mr. Bergeson said he would <br />refrain from the discussion and would not vote on the <br />matter. Mr. Bisel was concerned because if Mr. Bergeson was <br />appointed to the P & Z Board, he would be a member of two <br />important Boards. Mr. Bergeson said he felt it was <br />important that these two Boards coordinate their work effort <br />and he could fill that role. <br />Mayor Benson had a problem with one person being on two <br />Boards. This has not occurred in the past and he was <br />concerned about the time commitment involved. <br />PAGE 2 <br />89 <br />
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