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• CO /&, coo <br />Extract of Minutes of Meeting <br />of the City Council of the City of <br />Lino Lakes, Anoka County, Minnesota <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof pursuant to the requirements of <br />Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.705, Subdivision 1(c), an emergency meeting of <br />the City Council of the City of Lino Lakes, Minnesota, was duly held in the City <br />Hall in said City on Monday, October 3, 1988, commencing at 7:00 o'clock P.M. <br />The following members were present: Benjamin Benson, Harold Bisel, Wesley <br />Neal and Vernon Reinert <br />and the following were absent: William Bohjanen <br />* * * <br />The Mayor announced that the next order of business was consideration of <br />the bids which had been received for the purchase of the City's $610,000 General <br />Obligation Temporary Improvement Bonds, Series 1988B, as advertised for sale. <br />The City Clerk- Treasurer presented affidavits showing publication of the notice <br />of sale in the City's official newspaper and in Commercial West, a financial <br />paper published in Minneapolis, Minnesota, which affidavits were examined and <br />found satisfactory and ordered placed on file. <br />The City Clerk- Treasurer presented a tabulation of the bids which had been <br />received in the manner specified in the Official Terms of Offering of the Bonds. <br />The bids were as follows: <br />