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'., <br />• Section 2. Findings; Tax Increment Financing District. <br />• <br />• <br />2.01. It is found and determined that it is necessary and desirable for <br />the sound and orderly development of the District and the City as a whole, and <br />for the protection and preservation of the public health, safety, and general <br />welfare, that the authority of the TIF Act be exercised by the City to provide <br />public financial assistance to the District. <br />2.02. It is further found and determined, and it is the reasoned opinion <br />of the City, that the development proposed in the Plan could not reasonably be <br />expected to occur solely through private investment within the reasonably <br />foreseeable future and that therefore the use of tax increment financing is <br />necessary. <br />2.03. The public improvements and other expenditures proposed to be <br />financed through tax increment financing are necessary to permit the City to <br />realize the full potential of the District in terms of development intensity, <br />employment opportunities and tax base. <br />2.04. The Plan will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the <br />sound needs of the City as a whole, for the development of TIF District No. <br />1 -2 by private enterprise. <br />2.05. The City Council has relied upon the opinions and recommendations <br />of its staff and planning and zoning board and the personal knowledge of the <br />members of the council in reaching its conclusions regarding the Plan and the <br />establishment of TIF District No. 1 -2. <br />2.06. The City Council finds that TIF District No. 1 -2 is an economic <br />development tax increment financing district within the meaning of Section <br />469.174, Subd. 12 of the TIF Act. <br />Section 3. TIF District Established; Certification; Filing. <br />3.01. The Plan for TIF District No. 1 -2 is hereby approved and adopted. <br />TIF District No. 1 -2 is hereby established. <br />3.02. The geographic boundaries of TIF District No. 1 -2 are as described <br />in the Plan, which is hereby adopted by reference. <br />3.03. The city clerk is authorized and directed to transmit a certified <br />copy of this resolution together with a certified copy of the Plan to the <br />auditor of Anoka County with a request that the original assessed value of the <br />property within TIF District No. 1 -2 be certified to the City pursuant to <br />Section 469.177, Subd. 1 of the TIF Act and to file a copy of the Plan with <br />the Minnesota commissioner of trade and economic development as required by <br />the TIF Act. <br />3.04. With respect to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 473F, the City elects <br />TIF District No. 1 -2 to be treated under the provisions of Section 469.177, <br />Subd. 3(b) of the TIF Act. <br />2 <br />