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04/19/1989 Council Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
04/19/1989 Council Minutes
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11/14/2014 2:33:23 PM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Board of Appeal
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0 7 2 COUNCIL BOARD OF REVIEW APRIL 19, 1989 <br />call Mr. Knabe and make an appointment to view the property. <br />Alvin DeMotts, 6265 Holly Drive, PIN 33- 31 -22 -24 -0003 - Mr. <br />DeMotts explained that his valuation has raised $6,600 from <br />$62,900 last year. He explained that he owns three acres of <br />land and almost all of At is marsh. Mr. Nienaber explained <br />that he reviewed the property about a week ago. He has <br />valued one acre at the lowest rate for residential housing <br />and the balance of the property is valued at $100 per acre <br />which is also the lowest value he can place on the property. <br />Mr. DeMotts explained that he had his property appraised by a <br />bank and they were somewhat lower. Mr. Nienaber explained <br />that banks are somewhat subjective in their valuation. Mr. <br />DeMotts said he could not see why his valuation should go up <br />as much as it did. Mr. Nienaber explained that he felt his <br />valuation reflected the true market value. <br />Geraldine Letourneau for Gloria McLean, 2040 Otter Lake Road, <br />PIN 36- 31 -22 -23 -0019 and 35- 31 -22 -13 -0002 - Mrs. Letourneau <br />explained that Mrs. McLean owns Outlot A and B of Otter Lake <br />Estates. She noted that last year the value of Outlot A was <br />reduced and asked that Outlot B be handled in the same <br />manner. Mr. Nienaber explained that there is a difference in <br />the size of the two parcels, however he did use the same <br />process in determining the market value of each lot. He <br />further explained the reason why Outlot A was reduced for <br />1989 however it will go up for 1990. <br />Mrs. Letourneau explained that the lots were not buildable <br />because they did not have street frontage. She felt the <br />values should not be the same as a buildable lot. It was <br />explained that there is access and a street could be built to <br />service each parcel. <br />Parcel PIN 35- 31 -22 -13 -002 - Mrs. Letourneau explained that <br />the value of this parcel went from $1,000 to $77,900. She <br />felt that since the Council has refused to allow subdivision <br />less than ten (10) acres this value is very high. She noted <br />that until Lino Lakes does something in the way of allowing <br />subdivisions less than ten acres, this value should be <br />greatly reduced. Mr. Nienaber explained that a similar <br />parcel but less desirable recently sold for $110,000 two or <br />three years ago. He also noted that it is on a lake and he <br />did not use lakeshore values on the property. Mrs. <br />Letourneau said it is a crime to change the value from $1,000 <br />to $77,000. Mr. Nienaber explained that he felt it was still <br />to low. <br />Mr. Halden Deppert asked why he has not been called since he <br />was one of the first persons to arrive for this meeting. <br />Acting Mayor Reinert explained that we do not have a <br />numbering system, the Clerk is calling the names from the <br />cards in the same order as they were given to her. <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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