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06/26/1989 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/26/1989 Council Minutes
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11/17/2014 1:55:38 PM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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COUNCIL MEETING <br />June 26, 1989 <br />IIIr. Reinert agreed with Mr. Peterson and said he felt it was an <br />nappropriate time to increase their budget. Mayor Benson said he felt <br />t was fair that the Council designated someone to discuss the <br />situation with Centerville and to review their concerns. He asked that <br />the representative discuss how the figure was established. Mayor <br />Benson directed the City Administrator and Chief of Police to meet with <br />Centerville representatives and report back to the Council. He <br />explained that this will be an item on the next meeting. <br />Mr. Peterson explained that at the moment the Centerville Council is <br />relying on the newspapers for information since the City has not been <br />officially notified of the Lino Lakes Council action. He explained that <br />he does not know how Centerville will handle the matter. First <br />Centerville needs to understand exactly what Lino Lakes is proposing. <br />Mr. Bisel felt that before anyone from Lino Lakes meets with <br />representatives from Centerville a purpose should be outlined for the <br />meeting. He felt that the real issue is that Centerville did some <br />research last year and realized that coverage from Lino Lakes is a real <br />good buy. Mr. Bisel said he felt that the citizens of Lino Lakes were <br />subsidizing coverage for Centerville and that was not fair. Mr. <br />Peterson explained the current formula and noted that a citizen in Lino <br />Lakes was paying the same cost as a person in Centerville. Mr. Bisel <br />explained that the cost of doing business has changed in that Lino <br />akes has the risk and the liability.'' <br />II <br />his matter will be discussed later under • <br />New Business so that <br />direction can be given to the Administrator and Chief of Police . <br />CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF A MINNESOTA PIPELINE AGREEMENT WITHIN <br />THEIR EXISTING RIGHT -OF -WAY <br />Mr. Schumacher explained the Agreement had been presented to the City <br />Council on June 12, 1989 and the Council has several questions <br />regarding when the work would occur in Lino Lakes and how restoration <br />was to be accomplished. A representative of Minnesota Pipeline was <br />present tonight and explained that this project consists of laying 164 <br />miles of 16 inch pipeline within their current right -of -way starting at <br />Clearbrook and ending at Pine Bend. The construction will begin in <br />July and will pass through Lino Lakes after August 15, 1989. A permit <br />has been obtained from the Environmental Quality Board and it requires <br />that Minnesota Pipeline restore all terrain to its current conditions <br />and it also establishes a complaint procedure. <br />Mr. Schumacher noted the concern was that the ballfields would not be <br />available for use during construction and could disrupt league play. <br />Since the construction will not start until after August 15th, this <br />should not be a significant problem. The second concern regarding <br />IIestoration of the ballfields was addressed. Mr. Schumacher explained <br />hat Mr. Volk would like Minnesota Pipeline to complete the <br />estoration, rather than receive compensation. This was agreeable to <br />he Minnesota Pipeline representative. Mr. Bisel asked for a time <br />schedule for the restoration. It was explained that it would be <br />restored immediately weather permitting or Minnesota Pipeline would <br />
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