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11/29/1990 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
11/29/1990 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1991 COUNCIL BUDGET PUBLIC HEARING NOVEMBER 29, 1990 <br />Mayor Bisel called a special meeting of the Lino Lakes City <br />Council to order at 6:30 P.M. Council Members present: Neal, <br />Kuether, Reinert and Bohjanen. Council Members absent: none. <br />City Accountant, Paula Schloer; Chief of Police, Dean Campbell; <br />Public Works Director, Don Volk; Administrator, Randy Schumacher <br />and Clerk - Treasurer Marilyn Anderson were also present. <br />The purpose of the special meeting was to conduct the public <br />hearing for the proposed 1991 Budget. <br />Mayor Bisel gave an explanation of how the public hearing would <br />be conducted this evening. He thanked everyone in the audience <br />for attending this hearing. He explained that the legislature <br />had passed a "truth in taxation" bill and this bill requires that <br />a particular advertisement be placed in the local papers. Mayor <br />Bisel also said that since the legislature is responsible for the <br />confusion caused by the newspaper advertisements, he had invited <br />State Senator Dahl and State Representative Quinn to attend this <br />meeting. Senator Dahl did not respond to the invitation and <br />Representative Quinn's office said that the Representative had <br />another event on his calendar for this evening. Mayor Bisel <br />also explained that another public hearing on the 1991 Budget <br />will be held on December 12, 1990 at 6:30 P.M. He noted that the <br />Council will be meeting in a work session and will be taking <br />comments offered this evening into consideration when finalizing <br />the 1991 Budget. No action will be this evening. The <br />purpose this evening to take public testimony and opinion. <br />Mr. Schumacher presented an introduction to "Truth in Taxation ". <br />He also presented the preliminary 1991 Budget by using the <br />overhead projector. Mr. Schumacher explained that the general <br />concept of "Truth in Taxation" is to get the public involved in <br />the budget process of their local city, school district and <br />county. He explained the process by which the City develops a <br />budget for the next calendar year. The process is started as <br />early as June or July. Since the state has not prepared <br />information regarding state aid or other possible revenues, the <br />income portion of the budget is difficult to prepare. The City <br />used a "ballpark" figure to start the budget process. The <br />expense portion of the budget is prepared by individual <br />department heads and given to the Administrator. The Council <br />then considers all of the various department programs and <br />requests and narrows the preliminary expense budget to lessen the <br />increase in property taxes. <br />Mr. Schumacher explained Exhibit C. This exhibit outlines what <br />will be included in the 1990 Certificate of Indebtedness. <br />Exhibit D is a comparison between the 1990 Budget and the <br />proposed 1991 Budget. Mr. Schumacher outlined the major changes <br />in each department budget as follows: <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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