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42 <br />August 12, 1974A. <br />Mr. Jaworski questioned the receipts recorded on the financial statement. <br />He felt that more money should have been credited to the Road Department. <br />Also, the Federal Revenue Sharing that was ear - marked for that department and <br />other departments should be transferred from the Federal Sharing Fund to the <br />Departments. The Clerk will check the receipts and also transfer the funds to <br />the proper departments. <br />Mr. McLean said that dumping on the Hall property had been noted. He would ask <br />that the men remove the rubbish and install "No Dumping" signs at the road <br />that enters the property on the West end and install chains across that access. <br />It was questioned whether of not that road in on City property. Mr. McLean <br />moved to have Mr. Gotwald establish the property line. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka <br />Motion carried. <br />Mr. Zelinka reported that the Personnel Commission had interviewed 8 men for <br />the position of Supervisor. Their recommendation was Mr. Adolph Peters of New- <br />port be considered first. He met all the necessary requirements for the posi- <br />tion. The Council will need to negotiate with Mr. Peters as to salary. <br />Mr. Peters was in the audience and the Council asked him if the salary had <br />been mentioned during his interview. <br />Mr. Peters said, No, the Personnel Commission had felt this would have to be <br />handled by the Council. He laid that he had toured the City with Mr. Lundgren <br />and he liked what he saw especially in the area of equipment. <br />Mr. Zelinka asked what salary Mr. Peters was getting at the present time. Mr. <br />Peters said $5.83 per hour. Mr. Zelinka computed the monthly salary based on <br />173 hours it would amount to roughly $1000.00 per month. Mr. Zelinka asked <br />Mr. Peters if he would transfer for the same salary and Mr. Peters said, No. <br />Mr. Zelinka suggested setting a date to meet with Mr. Peters and establish a <br />salary. Mr. Marier moved to meet on Friday, August 16, at 7:30 p.m. Seconded <br />by Mr. Jaworski. Motion carried. This will be the first item to be considered. <br />Mr. Locher said that he had been contacted as to the possibility of LinoLakes <br />joining in the appeal to the Supreme Court in the action by residents against <br />Anoka County and the special legislation. He had talked tp Mr. Parta about <br />this and Mr. Parta feels that if the City doed join in this action, it would be <br />breaking a treaty. Mr. Locher had no recommendation for the Council on this question. <br />Mr. Marier felt that this special legislation id very unclear. If the intent <br />of this special law was for local parks only or does it apply to fegional parks <br />also. He thought there should be some minutes to indicate the intent. <br />Mr. Locher said that he had obtained as much of the minutes as possible and <br />he could find nothing that indicated the intent of the Legislators. <br />There was discussion on the fact that this would involve Mr. Locher and Mr. <br />Burke from his office who doed his research. There will be a cost to the City <br />in connection with the City's involvement in this appeal. <br />Mr. jaworski asked if this action would be in violation of the Contract with Anoka <br />County? He felt that the appeal questions the validity of the law- not the <br />