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10/07/1974 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
10/07/1974 Council Minutes
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October 7, 1974 <br />IIIThe special meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order at 8:00 P.M. <br />on October 7, 1974 by Mayor Bohjanen. Councilmen present: Jaworski, Marier, McLean, <br />Absent; Zelinka. <br />This meeting had been called for the purpose of discussing the full time personnel <br />for the Police Department. Mayor Bohjanen and Mr. Jaworski had met with the Police <br />Department, the preceeding week and it was felt that this was the proper procedure. <br />Mr.Jaworski had evaluation cards on all members of the Police Department that had <br />been filled in by Chief Myhre and Sgt. Costa. All members of the present part time <br />department with the exception of one have expressed a desire to be considered for <br />the full time positions. The one member who does not wish to be considered at this <br />time requested that he be considered at a later date. <br />Mr. McLean asked what was being considere here - Mr. Jaworski answered, 3 full time <br />men and 1 clerk. Mr. Marier asked if personnel is to be selected or is the Council <br />to also designate title? <br />Mayor Bohjanen felt that if the present Sgt. was selected,then he should remain a <br />Sgt. - a chief stays as such. <br />Mr.Jaworski moved to pick the full time personnel as designated officers - Chief, <br />Sgt. and Patrolman. Seconded by Mayor Bohjanen. On a voice vote;. Mr. Jaworski - <br />Aye; Mr.Marier - Aye; Mr. McLean - No; Mayor Bohjanen - Aye. Motion carried. <br />IIIMr. Zelinka arrived at 8:10 P.M. <br />The Councilmen had a sheet for each Patrolman with some catagor,ies listed that coudl <br />be used in the evaluation process. <br />There was much discussion on the need to evaluate these men as individuals and not <br />rate one man against th ther. The need for an evaluation sheet was talked over. <br />Mr. Marier had a portio of a system and suggested that with Council approval, Chief <br />Myhre could use this rating system. He would be glad to go over it with Chief Myhre. <br />The Police School starts in November and is only open until a certain number of <br />applications are accepted. My. Myhre thought the school was already filled. The <br />Clerk is to check tomorrow. Also ask if the shcool will accept applicationsin the <br />name of the City until the decision is made as to who will be attending. <br />Mr. Zelinka questioned the reactions of the men who are not selected as one of the <br />three - will they remain on the force in a part time role or will they resent not being <br />selected and walk out. <br />Mr. Jaworski felt that all the men \ould remain - either part time or full time. Mr. <br />Myhre agreed to meet with Mr. Marier to go over the ecaluation sheets. Mr. Marier <br />thought it would take about 3 weeks to complete. <br />Mr. Zelinka moved to follow the procedure using the evaluation sheets to be completed <br />IIIin three weeksor sooner, by the end of October at the latest. Seconded by Mr. McLean. <br />Motion carried. <br />Mr. Marier moved to adjourn at 9:45 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Aye. <br />These minutes were approved at the meeting of Oct. 15, 1974. <br />Clerk- Treasurer. <br />
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