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12/09/1974 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
12/09/1974 Council Minutes
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11/26/2014 1:05:57 PM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />December 9, 1974 <br />Mr. McLean had also instructed Mr. Resch to get a list of supervisors for the warming <br />house trailer to be leased for use at the Hall property. This list was to have been <br />delivered by this meeting but has not. Mc. McLean ?lad informed Mr. Resch the list <br />must be on record before the rental trailer will be ordered. <br />Lino Park has been seeded, the gate locked to protect the area,and some Class 5 put <br />on the parking lot area. More will be done in the Spring. <br />Mr. Jaworski asked if there is to be any flooding done this year? Mr. McLean said they <br />hope to start on Wednesday of this week - weather permitting. The delay is due to <br />the warm weather. <br />Mr. Zelinka had no report. Mr. Gotwald had nothing special to report. <br />Mr. Locher said the he had tried to contact Attorney General on the salary question, <br />but he had been unable to do so. There was discussion on the law that governs this <br />question, but no decisions. Mr. Locher said that he hoped to have an answer by the <br />December 23, 1974 meeting. <br />Under old business, the Clerk reported that she had spent most of this afternoon <br />in the Auditor's office attempting to compute the overpayment on special assessments <br />by Mr. Jandric due to the platting of Lakes Add # 3. The Auditor's office will be <br />working on this and will send their finding s to the Clerk's office. It was suggested <br />that Mr. Werner of Springsted had computed this overpayment during the investigation <br />for the sale of the $180,800.00 bonds. The Clerk was instructed to contact his <br />office for that information. <br />Under new business, Mr. Jaworski asked what the Ordinance reads as to the restoration <br />of streets torn up. Mr. Locher read from Ordinance #22 which states that the streets <br />must be restored to their original condition. <br />Mr. Jaworski requested a letter' sent to Mr. Berghorst informing him of this <br />requirement. <br />On consideration of the requisitions, Mr. Marier questioned #532. This is in the amount <br />of $239.24 for repair of the transmission in the Plymouth police car. Mr. Marier <br />asked who authorized the repair work to be done. Mr. Jaworski said that he did, it <br />was an emergency. Mr. Marier reminded Mr. Jaworski that all Council members must <br />be contacted on an expenditure as large as this. Mr. Jaworski agreed, but felt <br />that this problem had to be taken care of immediately. <br />Mr. McLean questioned #520. This is for Police uniforms, some of which are for <br />Mrs. Pankratz. Mr. McLean felt that expending monies for someone who is not yet a <br />part of the Police Dept. is unwise, either the appointment should be made or the <br />expenditures for uniforms cancelled. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to appoint Mrs. Pankratz as Policewoman effective January 1, 1975. <br />Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Zelinka moved to approve requisitions $527 through and including #532. Seconded <br />by Mr. McLean. Motion carried with Mr. Marier voting, No. <br />Mr. Doyle had arrived. Mayor Bohjanen welcomed Mr. Doyle and thanked him for <br />coming. Mayor Bohjanen asked Mr. Doyle if there is a bill for a moratorium on <br />building permits in this area pending? <br />Mr. Doyle said, No, not to his knowledge. He said he wasn't sure where to start but <br />
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