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03/25/1975 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03/25/1975 Council Minutes
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12/1/2014 3:25:21 PM
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Council Minutes
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132 <br />March 25, 1975 <br />must maintain some control over businesses in order to conform with the <br />Comprehensive Land Use Plan and see that they are established in the <br />areas so designated. <br />Mr. Smith said this is a small part -time business and used to supplement <br />his income. <br />Mr. Marier reiterated that this is not aimed at his business, specifically, <br />but at all businesses located in residential areas. Mr. Marier felt that <br />unless controls are maintained, Lino Lakes would be severely criticized for <br />non - conformance to the Land Use Plan. <br />Mr. Smith said that he has no signs, the garage is also used for family cars, <br />and he has no plans for expansion. Mr. Zelinka asked what his position would <br />be if there were complaints? Mr. Smith said he would have to quit. At the <br />present the neighbors have not complained. If this permit is denied he would <br />suffer quite a financial Toss. <br />There was some discussion on the $25.00 fee for the special use permit. Mr. <br />Smith thought that $25.00 per year was excessive. Mr. Marier said this will <br />have to be taken up by the Council at a later date. - <br />Mr. Marier moved <br />to grant the special use permit for one year at which time it will be <br />reviewed. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Smith was reminded that special use permits are non - transferable. Mr. <br />Smith requested a copy of the minutes of this meeting. The Clerk will mail <br />them to him. <br />Mr. Dennis Frick of 6025 Sunrise Avenue had appeated before the Planning <br />and Zoning Board requesting a special use permit to establish a repair <br />shop at that location. He would be repairing only small appliances, nothing <br />that could not be carried by hand. <br />After some discussion, Mr. Marier moved to approve the special use permit <br />for one year. At that time the permit would be reviewed. Seconded by <br />Mr. Jaworski. Motion carried. Mr. Frick had some questions as to signs <br />and advertising. He was told that if the sign is under six square feet, a <br />sign perm it is not necessary. Mr. Marier warned Mr. Frick on the possibility <br />of parking problems- He must be careful not to congest the area with his clientele <br />this would bring complaints. As to advertising, that is his decision. <br />Mr. Henry Meirs had appeared before the Planning and Zoning Board asking for <br />a variance to Ordinance 21 A to extend his driveway beyond the 400 feet. <br />The Planning and Zoning Board had recommended approval of his request with the <br />stipulation that the driveway be a 60 foot right -of -way to allow for possible <br />development in the future. This driveway would necessistate the design of <br />a cul -de -sac with a 100 foot diameter. Mr. Meirs had agreed to these <br />stipulations. Mr. Marier moved to approve the request for a Variance. <br />Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Meirs had plans for the residence that he plans to build on the property. <br />He told the Council that he is a masonary contractor and as such, has <br />equipment that he prefers to keep stored. In the future he plans a pole - <br />type steel building to house this equipment. The Council had no objections <br />at this time but suggested he present his plans when they are finalized. Mr. <br />Meirs thanked the Council and left. <br />
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