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05/05/1975 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/05/1975 Council Minutes
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12/1/2014 3:26:51 PM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />A special meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order <br />at 8:05 P.M. on May 5, 1975 by Mayor Bohjanen. Councilmen present: <br />Jaworski, Marier, McLean. absent: Zelinka. <br />Mayor Bohjanen said this meeting had been called for the expressed <br />purpose of discussing the Jandric property and the special assessments <br />levied against that property. <br />Mr. Locher had mailed a copy of deliquent taxes and assessments now <br />due in that project. The special assessment deliquency figure is <br />approximately $35,079.90 and the deliquent taxes amount to approximately <br />$21,897.21. <br />Mr. Marier felt that the development in the project is in jeopardy. <br />Since this c relopment is not moving, Lino Lakes should take lien action. <br />The $50,000.00 Certificate of Deposit should be used to pay the deliquent <br />assessment and accrued interest. This Certificate of Deposit should then <br />be replaced with another $50,000.00 Certificate of Deposit. <br />The repayment of the $180,00.00 bond issue was discussed as to when the <br />interest and principal payments are due. <br />The question of a road bond for the surfacing of the streets, especially <br />West Shadow Lake Drive, was discussed. There was doubt as to whether or <br />not a bond had been posted for that street. If not, then either the <br />affected residents or the City as a whole will have to pay for that <br />street. Mr. Marier though this was unfair to the taxpayer. <br />The Clerk is to check for the posting of bonds for the surfacing of <br />the streets, particularlly in Lakes Addition #1. <br />Mr. Marier said that with the proper legal advice, he moved to place a <br />lien against the Jandric project, Mr. Emil Jandric, U. S. Lakes Enter- <br />prises, Inc., formerly known as U. S. Lakes Development Co. and call for <br />relase of the $50,000.00 Certificate of Deposit now on deposit, this <br />Certificate to be replaced with a like $50,000.00, the monies to be used <br />forth ayment of deliquent special assessments and accrued interest in <br />the am nt of approximately $35,000.00 plus interest. Road bonds to be <br />called in or money placed in the hands of Lino Lakes in order that all <br />streets be brought up to City specifications by the end of 1975. Motion <br />was seconded by Mr. McLean. <br />The Clerk read a letter from Drovers State Bank that ce *tifies the <br />existence of the $50,000.00 CD. The Council felt that there is an <br />agreement other than this certification. <br />Mr:.Jaworski was under the impression that in the agreement, the CD could <br />only be used of the City did not have enough funds on hand to meet the <br />principal and interest payments on the bonds. As long as there were <br />funds available, then this CD could not be used. <br />Mr. Marier thought that there was provision for the failure of the project <br />the CD could be used in such an event. <br />After some discussion as to when payment is due and how much, the vote on <br />the motion was unanimous. <br />Mr. Marier moved to adjourn at 8:45 P.M. Seco ded by Mr. Jaworski. Aye <br />L_ X f,-L2_i/CLERK-TREASURER. <br />
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