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07/14/1975 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/14/1975 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />JULY 14, 1975 1 7.7 <br />youths we have working on the summer programs? He helps spread the blacktop. <br />Mr. Zelinka asked if the trucks return to the Hall or do they go directly to <br />the job? Mr. Volk said they go directly to the site to be patched. Mr. Marier <br />suggested that the second man be dropped off. He could be cleaning the places <br />to be patched. There is to be only one man in a truck. <br />Mayor Bohjanen reported on the meeting with the Metropolitan Waste Control <br />Commission on the contract for hauling sewage. The Commission had agreed <br />to $19.00 per 5,000 gallon load. The Clerk had called and was told this <br />contract must be approved by the Board at their meeting to be held on Tuesday. <br />The Contract will then be sent to the City for approval or rejected. <br />This figure will be paid retroactive to January 1, 1975. The total number <br />of homes allowed was held at 55. The Commission had used different figures <br />to compute the cost per mile for operation of the truck. <br />Mr. McLean asked if the $19.00 per load figure would cover our cost? Mr. <br />Zelinka said, No. Mr. McLean asked how does the City pick up the differ- <br />ential by raising the sewer charges? <br />Mr. Locher said there must also be a plan for maintenance of the sewer lines <br />and the lift station. <br />Mr. Zelinka felt that a set of valid figures is necessary before more <br />negotiations. Mr. Jaworski asked if the utility charges for pumping the sewage <br />and the depreciation of the lift station had been included in the figures. <br />It was felt that they had not been included. Mr. Jaworski wondered how <br />much it would cost the Metro Waste Control Commission if this hauling was <br />contracted by a private party? <br />Mr. Marier felt that this is the responsibility of the City. Mr. Jaworski <br />felt that the Metropolitan Waste Control has one responsibility in that <br />area since this whole project was done with the approval of the Metropolitan <br />Council. <br />One of the residents of the Shenandoah area asked if there had been any <br />progress on their problem in the way of getting a holding tank installed in <br />order for the sewage to be pumped and hauled in'that area? <br />Mayor Bohjanen said that the Shenandoah area had not been discussed at that <br />meeting. <br />Mr. Marier felt that the City cannot expand the facility of hauling sewage. <br />This could be an endless situation. This Council must consider the entire <br />City, not specific areas. <br />Mr. Jaworski had understood Mr. Ray Payne to say that the Metropolitan Waste <br />Control would pay for the hauling of that sewage. <br />Mr. Marier said he was surprised at the Attorney General's decision not to <br />intervene. He felt that this Council should walk lightly - this City cannot <br />take on any more hauling, this could mushroom <br />Mr. Jaworski felt that the City has a responsibility to the residents in that <br />area. Mr. Marier felt that at the time of the installation of the septic <br />systems in that area, the plubming inspector had red tagged those homes and <br />had been pressured into approving the-systems. The Contractor had been <br />
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