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09/09/1975 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
09/09/1975 Council Minutes
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8 <br />SEPTEMBER 9, 1975 <br />Mr. Gotwald pointed out that if the Lakeview area is to be served by the <br />interceptor located on North Road this would become a Metro responsibility. <br />That interceptor would have to be extended to a point on Rice Lake and a lift <br />station installed to handle that area. If the gravity system is installed <br />with,ajunction at Highway 49 and Birch Street, this area would then be served <br />by gravity to that line. The matter of the trunk line along Highway 49 then <br />becomes the responsibility of the City. <br />The proposed line to serve Centerville through Hugo will necessitate the instal- <br />lation of about three miles of force main. If Centerville is sewered through <br />a gravity line in Lino Lakes, it would only be necessary to add approximately <br />one mile of line. <br />An underlying factor in all these considerations, should be the need for <br />sewer facilities at the Minnesota Metropolitan Training Center located on <br />Fourth Avenue just North of 1 35 W. <br />Mr. Ray Payne said both recommendations will be presented to the Environ- <br />mental and Transportation Commission meeting. Basically, the Metro Council <br />Staff and the Metro Waste Control Staff could not agree. The alternatives <br />will be presented and the decision as to which will be installed will have <br />to be made by that Commission. Mr. Payne also felt that the alternatives are <br />not presented on an equal basis. The Metro Waste Control Commission will <br />construct either alternative. <br />Mr. Barton was asked if either the Metro Waste Control or the Lino Lakes <br />Engineers had any input into the memorandum and Mr. Barton said, No, this <br />is a Metro Council staff recommendation. <br />Mr. Jaworski asked if the existing lift station on Black Duck Drive would <br />be utilized. He was told it would depend on the size and capacity of that <br />installation. If it is large enough, it will be used. The unit can be <br />modified to serve. <br />Mr. Zelinka asked if the proposed $450,000.00 cost figure included that <br />portion of this system that would have to be replaced and was told that it <br />did not. <br />Mr. Payne said that the availability of materials for the construction of the <br />force main could possibly cut the construction period by about six months. <br />He said it would take about four months to prepare the specifications, two <br />months to get the bids, and about four to six months for the construction. A <br />gravity system would take about six months longer to complete. <br />Mr. Barton was concerned with the interim service to the Shenandoah. He <br />asked Mr. Payne how soon the specifications would be available in order for <br />the mains and laterals to be installed in that area. <br />Mr. Payne said that once the decision as to the type of system that is to <br />be installed, it would be just a short time for those specs to be available. <br />Mr. Jaworski asked that if and when the force main system is at the saturation <br />point, what assurances does this City have that a permanent system will then <br />be installed? <br />Mr. Barton said that the Metro Council would be committed to improve the system. <br />
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