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11/10/1975 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
11/10/1975 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />NOVEMBER 10, 1975 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order <br />at 8:00 P.M., November 10, 1975 by Mayor Bohjanen. Council Members <br />present: Marier, McLean. Absent: Jaworski and Zelinka. Mr. Richard <br />Beens was present substituting for Mr. Locher who is out of town. <br />Approval of the minutes of October 28, 1975 was delayed for lack of a <br />quorum. <br />Mr. Howard N-iesen, State Representative, was present. Mayor Bohjanen <br />turned the meeting over to Mr. Niesen. <br />Representative Niesen reported that he had checked on the possibility of <br />providing training for part -time patrolmen and found that there is no <br />appropriations to cover this cost. A bill will have to be introduced <br />and passed by the Legislature. He found that the BCA school is interested <br />in this and many of his colleagues expressed interest. Mr. Niesen said <br />he would work to get such a bill authored to provide this training and <br />will keep the Council informed on the progress. <br />Mr. Niesen said he had read the many bicycle laws and had found that the <br />same problems exist in other communities. He had talked with many members <br />of the House of Representatives and found very little support for the re- <br />writing of these laws. Mr. Niesen will continue to try for some reform <br />in that area. <br />Mr. Niesen thanked Mayor Bohjanen for his assistance in setting up the <br />sub - committee hearing on the Fiscal Disparity Act. This meeting is <br />scheduled for Thursday, November 12, 1975 at 3:00 P.M. and will be held <br />in these Council Chambers. <br />Mr. Jaworski and Mr. Zelinka arrived. <br />Mr. Niesen felt this would be a very productive meeting. There are amend- <br />ments to strengthen, amendments to weaken and amendments to abolish the bill. <br />The meeting will give all people a chance to present their views. <br />Mr. Niesen reminded the Council that the 1976 Legislative Session begins <br />on January 27, 1976 and that now is the time he needs input from the local <br />Municipalities. If their views on the bills are made known to him, then <br />he has direction as to his vote. Mr. Niesen will be mailing a questionnaire <br />soon. <br />The meeting scheduled for November 13, 1975 will convene at 3:00 P.M. and <br />continue until all people have had a chance to testify. <br />Mr. McLean asked when the Land Use Bill will be heard in the coming session <br />and Mr. Niesen said that would be one of the first, if not the very first <br />bill to be heard. There are some revisions but all have not been completed <br />as yet. When these are completed, he will mail copies of the bill to the <br />Council. <br />Mr. McLean felt that most suburban communities will be very interested <br />in the progress of that bill. <br />Mayor Bohjanen thanked Mr. Niesen for attending this meeting and giving <br />the Council this information. Mayor Bohjanen reminded Mr. Niesen that <br />he is always welcome at a City Council meeting. <br />.�45 <br />
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