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01/03/1976 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
01/03/1976 Council Minutes
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12/1/2014 3:45:10 PM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />January 3, 1976 <br />The City's 1976 Budget is as follows; <br />Salaries 63,985.00 minus Chief's salary of 14,000.00 = 49,985.00 budgeted for <br />salaries in 1976. The City had presented a proposal in 1975 with salaries totaling <br />47,170.00. <br />To the union proposal and the City's 1975 proposal add 10 of salaries for Holidays <br />and overtime pay making the total costs for the Union proposal 61,380.00 and the <br />City's 1975 offer 51,887.00. An estimated $835.00 per year for benefits to be added <br />making the toatals as follows: Union - 68,829.00; City's 1975 proposal - 58,005. <br />Added to the City budget costs would be $6,614.07* in retroactive pay including <br />PERA on that salary. <br />*This figure is computed on the dama'nd of the Union that the present Clerk /Typist <br />in the Police Department receive the same salary as a Patrolman. <br />Since these figures are only for salaries and do not consider the other costs, the <br />Council considered areas that costs could be reduced. Mr. Zelinka asked if a Clerk <br />could be eliminated? Just how essential is a Police Clerk? <br />Mr. Schneider asked if it would be possible to combine the two and Mr. Zelinka <br />said that was the original intent. <br />Mr. Jaworski said that before the thought' of eliminating the Police Clerk is <br />considered, he wondered how many of the Council members were aware of the amount <br />of work done in that office? <br />Mr. McLean said that he would have to plead ignorance, but in any case, he felt that <br />some of the functions could be eliminated. <br />Mr. Jaworski suggested checking into the legality of what the State requires in <br />the way of record keeping. <br />Mr. Schneider asked if these items were considered at budget time and Mr. McLean <br />said only very broadly. <br />Mr. Karth said the first place to cut was the department with the lowest priority - <br />Parks, start at the bottom and work up. <br />Mr. McLean felt the only place that..could be cut in the Parks would be in the area <br />of Capital outlay. <br />Mr. Marier said that the criteria of the City must be met according to priority. <br />All other areas have fathers and sons flooding and taking care of. Hockey rinks. He <br />felt that the Parks have costtoo much. There is no cooperartion or responsibility <br />from the ones who use the rinks. He felt the City needs a Police department but to <br />what extent? <br />Mr. Jaworski asked about the volunteers for flooding and Mr. McLean said there had <br />been no offers for flooding. <br />Mayor Bohjanen wondered about the legality of operating City equipment if not a <br />City employee - what would be the City's responsibility towards that person? <br />Mr. Karth felt that it would cost more to repair the equipment than to pay some <br />one to operate it. <br />y <br />
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