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• <br />AGENDA ITEM 7G <br />STAFF ORIGINATOR: James E. Studenski, City Engineer <br />COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 10, 2003 <br />TOPIC: Resolution No. 03 -20, Receive Petition and Authorize a Feasibility <br />Report for Lois Lane Utility Improvements. <br />VOTE REQUIRED: Simple Majority <br />BACKGROUND: <br />The City has received a petition from residents and property owners on Lois <br />Lane, west of Highland Meadows West and north of Country Lane, for <br />preparation of a report on sanitary sewer and water service. A copy of the <br />petition is attached. Sanitary sewer and water main are currently existing at the <br />east end of these lots from the Highland Meadows West subdivision. <br />When the City has received utility petitions from neighborhoods in the past, the <br />first step has been to hold a neighborhood meeting before any formal study is <br />prepared. At the neighborhood meeting, we discuss the public improvement <br />process, the City Charter, the location of existing utilities, and an overview of the <br />construction process. The study would follow the neighborhood meeting. <br />The study will address, on a preliminary basis, design, cost, assessment, <br />schedule, and other issues as they relate to providing City utility service to this <br />area. <br />OPTIONS: <br />1. Return to staff for further review. <br />2. Adopt Resolution No. 03 -20, Receive Petition and Order Preparation of a <br />Feasibility Study for the Lois Lane Utility Improvements. <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Option No. 2 - Staff recommends that Resolution No. 03 -20 be adopted. <br />