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2003-030 Council Resolution
City Council
City Council Resolutions
2003-030 Council Resolution
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12/2/2014 2:25:15 PM
Creation date
12/2/2014 11:46:34 AM
City Council
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CITY OF LINO LAKES <br />RESOLUTION NO. 03-30 <br />REQUESTING DESIGN ELEMENT VARIANCE <br />FOR ELM STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT <br />WHEREAS, the City of Lino Lakes, Minnesota proposes to reconstruct Elm Street from Sunset Road (Anoka <br />County No. 53) to Grey Heron Drive utilizing monies from its Municipal State Aid account. The total project <br />is approximately 0.96 miles in roadway centerline length with stationing starting at the west end of the <br />project at Sunset Road. See attached location/design map marked as Exhibit "A ". The State Aid Project <br />Number is 210 - 102 -02 for the proposed Elm Street Reconstruction. <br />The variance request involves two curves that do not meet the minimum horizontal alignment requirements <br />from the Minnesota State Aid Operation Rules - Table 8820.9936 for Geometric Design Standards; New or <br />Reconstruction Projects. The requirement states that a minimum of 30 mph in design speed must be <br />maintained for collector roadways with ADT < 10,000. However, due to the existing conditions, such as an <br />elevated connecting county road that crosses over I -35W and existing home locations, the City is requesting <br />that a seventy-five (75) centerline horizontal radius curve posted for 15 mph be approved. Currently, these <br />two curves are posted for 15 mph. The proposed and current posted speed limit for the remainder of Elm <br />Street to the east of the curves will be 35 mph. There will be no street parking allowed on Elm Street. <br />The two variance roadway curves are located starting at Sunset Road: <br />(1) PC = 0+15.05 to PT = 1 +16.91 and (2) PC = 4+21.40 to PT =5 +37.12. <br />See attached Exhibit "A ". <br />WHEREAS, the City of Lino Lakes, Minnesota agrees to indemnify, save, and hold harmless the State of <br />Minnesota and its agents and employees of and from all claims, demands, actions, or causes of action arising <br />out of or by reason of the granting of the variance. It shall defend at its sole cost and expense any action or <br />proceeding begun asserting any claim of whatever character arising as a result of the granting of the variance. <br />IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED: <br />The City of Lino Lakes requests that the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Transportation and <br />the Variance Advisory Committee allow a variance on its proposed Elm Street Reconstruction project for <br />two (2) horizontal curves located just to the east of Sunset Road. The curves will be posted for 15 mph versus <br />the 30 mph as stipulated by the State Aid Operations Rules: 8820.9936. <br />This resolution was passed this 24th day of February, 2003, by the City of Lino Lakes in Anoka County, <br />Minnesota. <br />ATTEST: <br />City of Lino Lakes, Minnesota <br />Ann Blai r' ity Clerk <br />Aol Lie <br />Joh,f Ber(-son, ' ayor <br />Attachment: Exhibit "A" <br />
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