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10/17/1977 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
10/17/1977 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />25 <br />October 17, 1977 <br />The special meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order at 8:00 P.M. on <br />October 17, 1977 by Acting Mayor Karth. Council members present; McLean, Schneider, <br />Zelinka. Mr. Locher, Mr. Gotwald and Mr. Short were also present. Mayor Bohjanen was <br />absent. <br />This meeting had been called for the purpose of discussing the upcoming hearing before <br />the State Hearing Examiners on the points of objections to the City's System Statement. <br />Mr. Karth had attended the meeting of the Physical Development Committee this past week, <br />where the matter of the Otter Lake Regional Park was to be considered. However, the matter <br />was tabled until an appointed sub - committee of the Parks and Open Space Commission could <br />meet with Lino Lakes, Hugo and Ramsey County. This committee will be meeting here at the <br />City Hall on October 18, 1977 to negotiate, if possible, some solution to the objections <br />of the two communities of this Regional Park being included in their respective system <br />statements. <br />Mr. Locher reported that Mr. John Hoeft, Attorney for the Metropolitan Council, had con- <br />tacted him and had felt that there is only three areas of disagreement. He had proposed <br />that a letter would be written to Mr. Locher setting forth these areas of disagreement, <br />but it had not been received as yet. <br />Mr. McLean asked Mr. Short what he felt the major areas of differences would be and Mr. <br />Shortsaid that 1) park issue; 2) correcting the location of the Centerville interceptor; <br />3) the interchange at 135W and County Road #14. <br />These issues and how they should be handled were thoroughly discussed. The public hear- <br />ings scheduled on the WPC -40 rules and regulations was noted and the Clerk was instructed <br />to contact both the Plumbing Inspector and Building Inspector on these hearings. <br />The points of objections and suggested changes by this City were gone over and there was <br />no change of position on any of the points. <br />There was much discussion as to the procedure of the Hearing Examiner and what could be <br />accomplished at this hearing. Some areas to be researched by Mr. Locher were set forth. <br />The general position as to the Otter Lake Regional Park issue that will be discussed on <br />the 18th was discussed with the Council holding to the position that should be removed <br />from the systems statement. <br />Mr. McLean reported he had received a proposal from Mr. Kronholm, as a representative of <br />Drovers State Bank, for an approximate 13 acre site for park purposes. This would be to <br />satisfy the requirements of the Country Lakes Plats. There was also to be a proposal <br />to clear the frontage requirements of the townhouse on the East side of the Lake. Mr. <br />McLean, Mr. Schneider and Mr. Karth will meet on Saturday, October 22, 1977 to physically <br />walk the site and will have a recommendation for the Council at their next meeting. ,, <br />The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. <br />The minutes were approved with corrections October 24, 1977 at the regular Council meeting. <br />EDNA L. AR ER, ERK - TREASURER <br />
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