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10/18/1977 Council Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
10/18/1977 Council Minutes
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26 <br />October 18, 1977 <br />The Special Meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order at 8:00 P.M. on <br />October 18, 1977 by Mayor Bohjanen. Council members present; Karth, McLean, Schneider, <br />Zelinka. Mr. Robert Nethercut, Mr. Elliot Perovich and Mr. Neil Franey of the Metropol- <br />itan Open Space Commission were present. The Ramsey County Open Space was represented <br />by Mr. Larry Homberg and Mr. Bernie Edmunds. Members of the Hugo City Council were rep- <br />resented by Mr. Deane Vail, the Hugo Planning and Zoning by Mr. Bill Greger and Mr. Paul <br />Santori represented the residents of Hugo. <br />Mayor Bohjanen said the purpose of this meeting was to discuss the proposed Otter Lake <br />Regional Park and since this City has no knowledge what is proposed, he turned the meet- <br />ing over to the sub - committee. <br />Mr. Perovich introduced Mr. Franey, who is chairman of the sub - committee. Mr. Franey felt <br />that Mr. Homberg would be the most knowledgeable in this area and asked that he give a brief <br />summary of what had been planned. <br />Mr. Homberg said that in the overall plan issued by the Metropolitan Council, 15 sites <br />had been designated for Open Space and the Otter Lake Regional Park was one of these 15. <br />Ramsey County had been named as the implementing agency and they had put together an over- <br />all plan that had included all the lands in Lino Lakes from the County Line North to 64th <br />Street between Otter Lake and Bald Eagle and as far West as to include all the shoreline <br />on Otter Lake. There had been nothing definite as to Lino Lakes and Hugo, just merely <br />some lines on a map as a proposal. He asked just where the two Cities are as to the Re- <br />gional Park. <br />Mr. Zelinka said at the present time, Lino Lakes has approximately 100 acres of local <br />parks, plus the 2500 acres Chain of Lakes Regional Park plus some 2000 acres of water <br />included in that park. He felt this quite enough for one community to handle. <br />Mr. Nethercut said he understood the City's position against this acquisition, but asked <br />if there is a possibility of any kind of a mutually agreeable plan for that area. <br />Mr. Zelinka wanted to know what the important factor in this area acquisition relates to- <br />is it ownership and control of the land or is it for the use of the land by the citizen? <br />Mr. Nethercut saidthis would be for the use of the people. Mayor Bohjanen said he would <br />rather see this area, if there is to be any open space, owned, developed and controlled <br />by the City. <br />Mr. McLean asked for an outline of the Ramsey County program and Mr. Homberg said the No. <br />1 priority would be a bikeway around Bald Eagle Lake; 2) preserving the undeveloped shore- <br />line and 3) preserve the marsh lands. <br />There was discussion as to where the bikeway could be installed, who would control, and <br />some of the problems of construction that could be encountered. <br />Mr. Santori presented a map showing the perimeter of Bald Eagle Lake and the present site <br />of lands owned by the Ramsey County Open Space. He suggested that the presently owned <br />lands be developed to their full potential and if this is done, future acquisition is <br />unnecessary. <br />The general consensus of both Lino Lakes and Hugo, was this Otter Lake Regional Park <br />plan should be deleted from both City's system statements. Based on this action discussion <br />of connecting bikeways on the existing road bed of West Bald Eagle Boulevard and minor <br />connecting trail systems could be initieated with the emphasis on local ownership and local <br />control. An area review familiarization meeting was scheduled for November 5, 1977 at <br />1:00 P.M. to go over this land with all interested agencies being represented. <br />
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