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143 <br />Juhy 24, 1978 <br />Building Inspector as 'not built'.' The building permit had been issued for- a'storage <br />and utility building'. <br />There were various persons in attendance form the pigeon association, who presented <br />their views on the desirability of raisin] homing pigeons, and the improbability of <br />transmitting a disease. <br />Mr. Schneider said the Council is not an expert in this matter and he could appreciate <br />this as a hobby, however, there are two problems here - 1) the nuisance aspect; and <br />2) the possible health hazard. Mr. Schneider felt there had been no firm facts pre- <br />sented in the health aspect, and perhaps an independent appraisal is necessary. <br />Mr. McLean moved to refer this to the Anoka County Health Department and to contact <br />the State Vet. Seconded ,by Mr. Zelinka. Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. Zelinka felt there are multiple aspects to consider 1) a fault in the .building per- <br />mit; 2) would it be issued today? 3) real problem or only a personality conflict; <br />4) nuisance in the droppings; 5) is there a drop in the market value because of the <br />pigeon problem? Mr. Zelinka said the Ordinance covering this problem was written quite <br />a few years ago and he felt;the intent of the word 'fowl' was to include all birds. <br />If pigeons are not to be considered as 'fowl' then they would fall under the class- <br />ification of 'animal' and would be,covered by the ordinance in either event. It was <br />the general consensus of the Council that more,information is needed. !(fie. Zelinka <br />moved to table this matter until the last meeting in August - August 28, 1978 at <br />which time the matter will be considered again, Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion <br />declared passed. <br />Mr. McLean returned to the report from the Planning and Zoning Board. <br />..Mr. Randy Hughes had applied fora variance for the construction of a home on a less <br />than 2Z acres of land, a driveway of over 300' and he wants to face his home to the <br />East rather than to the North. There was a question on whether a variance is nec- <br />essary on the facing of the home. After some discussion, the general consensus of the <br />Council was this variance is not necessary. However, the variances for the driveway <br />and the size of the land is necessary. The Planning and Zoning Board recommended ap- <br />porval. Mr. McLean so moved. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion declared passed. <br />..Mr. Carpenter had appeared and informed the Planning and Zoning that he would <br />apply for a re- zoning to the parcels of land ajouning his existing land for th <br />purpose of conducting the auto salvage business. Mr. McLean moved to set a pub- <br />lic hearing for.the rezoning for August 28, 1978 at 8:45 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Ze- <br />Iinka.. Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. Locher'questioned the 'Heavy Industrial' zoning and suggested that perhaps a <br />'limited heavy industrial' classification would be more appropriate. <br />Mr. Zelinka moved to limit the operation to the items as stated on the rezoning re- <br />quest — operations necessary in the salvage, recycling, and selling of transportation <br />vehicle-parts. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion declared passed. <br />..Carole Estates needs more work as does the plans for the extension of the Baldwin <br />Lake Trailer Court. These items will be on the August agenda. <br />The Planning and Zoning Board had suggested that perhaps the City should consider <br />an ordinance requiring a drain tile /sump pump system in new homes. The Clerk <br />had been asked to check several communities where it was thought to be in effect, <br />however, this proved to be a false assumption. Mr. Mobley was in the audience and <br />he reported that if the water table is such on new construction, he will require <br />that such a system be installed. This is at the discretion of the Building Inspector. <br />Mr. Locher presented a problem with a dog that had been impounded but the owner re- <br />