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03/12/1979 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03/12/1979 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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218 <br />March 12, 1979 <br />to Light Industrial for the lands located along Highway #8 North of Main <br />Street. Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion declared passed. <br />III <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz moved to close the hearing at 8:45 P.M. Seconded by Mr. <br />Schneider. Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. Menkveld presented the Council with copies of his final plat for <br />approval of signatures. Mr. Locher presented Mr. Adnerson's Check <br />list. (Mr. Anderson is the County Surveyor). There are several corrections <br />to be made in the description and footage designations. But these are <br />minor and Mr. Locher said this plat could be approved for signatures. <br />Mr. Anderson will not approve for filing until corrections are made. <br />Mr. McLean moved to approve the final plat of Carole's Estates II for <br />signatures with the filing of the deed for the temporary cul -de -sac and <br />the park money being paid. Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion de- <br />clared passed. <br />Mayor Karth excused himself and turned the metting over to Acting Mayor <br />Schneider. <br />The Public Hearing on the El Rehbein & Son Rezoning was called to order at <br />9:00 P.M. Mr. Locher presented the affidavit of mailing and read the <br />notice of legal publication. One letter addressed to U.S. Lakes Develop- <br />ment was returned. <br />Mr. Schneider turned the meeting over to Mr. Jerry Blackbird, Rehbein's <br />Representative, for his presentation. <br />Mr. Blackbird adked Mr. Bill Meyer, Engineer, to present the Engineering <br />points on this property. <br />Mr. Meyer gave a general history of the area as to previous platting and <br />the planned land use, stating that oversized sewer stubs and water <br />connections had been installed to service these outlots because the <br />overall planning bad indicated this area was for multiple dwellings. <br />Mr. Phillip Johnson, Architect, presented the layout design for the outlots <br />noting that all traffic is internal, all buildings have two fronts, each <br />structure has a two car garage for each unit, there is sufficient off - <br />street parking, the streets have a 60' right -of -way, the open land is <br />controlled by a Home Owner's Association and there is a 60' strip that <br />would give the residents access to the lake. <br />Mr. Blackbird presented a statement answering the charges made by the <br />current residents of the area, and presented his company's rebuttal. <br />Mr. John Bannigan, Attorney for the Homeowner's Association in that area, <br />presented the objections of the residents based on the density as suggested <br />by the Comprehensive LandciUse Flan. <br />Mr. Ben Benson presented the objections of the Residents. Mrs. Donna <br />Carlson presented hem objections based on the detriment to the esthetics <br />these structures would create. <br />Mr. Bob Nelson questioned Mr. Blackbird's statements in rebutting the <br />points made in the resident's letter of petition. <br />1 <br />Mr. Blackbird pointed out, in the construction of the quads, the construc- <br />tion would be completely controlled by the company - in the construction <br />of single family homes, there is no control He also stated that no two <br />units, side by side, would have the same exterior design. <br />
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