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03/26/1979 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03/26/1979 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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221 <br />March 26, 1979 <br />when the Association had been formed - he had kept an open mind on this <br />matter. He felt a Public Hearing had been conducted, all persons were <br />heard and any objections of this nature should have been presented at t <br />the public hearing. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz questioned the statement 'Engineer's and Planner's <br />recommendations had been ignored'. Mr. Blackbird felt this was so. He <br />asked Mr. Gotwald to confirm this area could handle the density as to <br />water and sewer and Mr. Gotwald agreed. <br />Mr. Schneider asked Mr. Locher for an opinion of the 'conflict of interest' <br />and Mr. Locher felt this did not apply to Mr. Schneider. If Mr. Schneider <br />had solicited, either for or against the project, or had anything to gain <br />then he would have felt differently. There may be different feelings in <br />reference to the Planning and Zoning Board. <br />Mayor Karth asked for the Council's opinion on the request for an impartial <br />board. Mr. Kilaszewicz faet that any decision should be deferred until <br />Mr. Zelinka has had time to become knowledgeable of the problems. <br />Mr. Zelinka asked if the one year requirement for resubmitting this <br />application could be waived and Mr. Locher said, Yes, there are provisiona <br />for this action in the Ordinance. He had also consulted with an Attorney <br />from the League of Minnesotal Cities who felt the one year moratorium <br />would probably not stand up in court. <br />Mr. Zelinka felt, from the conversation at this meeting and the phone <br />calls he and received, El Rehbein could have been more specific in the <br />areas of siet appearance, concern for children. street design, impact on <br />City and Schools - more information should have been presented in these <br />areas. <br />Mayor Karth asked the alternative if the Council did not appoint an im- <br />partial Board and Mr. Balckbird said they would then file an appeal in <br />District Court. He felt the denial had been on the point of density and <br />this factor has never really been defined. <br />Mr. Zelinka moved to defer action on this request until the Council meet- <br />ing scheduled for April 9, 1979. Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion <br />declared passed, with Mr. Schneider voting, No. <br />Mr. Vi Schwankl and Mr. Donald Neff presented Mayor Karth an Award of <br />Appreciation for his participation in the Voice of America contest. <br />Mr. John Doyle was.on teh agenda, but he informed the Council that he <br />was not prepared for his preeentation at this meeting. <br />Mr. Clement Schmitz presented his request for connection to Circle Pines <br />utility system but was told this will not be possible until the City of <br />Lino Lakes completes the updating of the comprehensive alnd use plan <br />that would include this facility. <br />Mr. Gotwald suggested that perhaps this land should be rezoned since a <br />portion is now zoned commercial and is being platted for single family <br />residential. It would also need to be included in swere service area 2. <br />Mr. Schneider presented the financial report and indicated some areas of <br />concern but felt by postponing some of the planned projects, the an- <br />ticipated shortages could be avoided. <br />
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