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04/23/1979 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/23/1979 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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April 23, 1979 <br />229 <br />suggested heavier items such as refrigerators, stove, etc., could be brought <br />to City Hall. <br />IIIMr. McLean moved to set two clean up days, West side of the City,May26, 1979, <br />and East side of the City, June 2, 1979. Mr. Zelinka seconded the motion. <br />Motion declared passed. The west side is described as west of a line running <br />South of West Rondeau To West Shadow Lake Drive, West on Birch Street to <br />Ware Road and South on Ware Road to County Road 'J'. All else is considered <br />the East side of the City. <br />A gentleman from the audience asked if it were necessary for a developer to <br />seed or landscape his lots when the house was finished. Mayor Karth said <br />this was not required by ordinance. <br />Mayor Karth asked the Clerk to relay a message to the Police Chief to clean <br />up the junk car situation. <br />Mr. McLean said, if a City map was prepared for clean up day showing the <br />line splitting the east and west side of the City, he would personally see <br />to it that it would be delivered to every residence. <br />..A memorandum to the Council from the Police Department regarding Animal <br />Control. Mayor Karth said he would have further information on this later <br />this evening. <br />..A letter from Mrs. Roisum requesting to be included in the City's Group <br />Health Plan. This letter was to be presented to the Personnel Commission <br />but was overlooked. Mayor Karth said the request will have to be considered <br />by the Personnel Commission. <br />..An invitation from the Rice Creek Watershed District to a seminar at <br />Kozlaks Royal Oaks Resturant regarding sanitation systems. Mr. McLean said <br />since the City already hasagred to adopt WPC -40, the Clerk should draft a <br />letter to the RCWD thanking them for the invitation. It was suggested that <br />Mr. Gotwald could help the Clerk draft the letter. <br />..Received fines from Anoka County of $436.00. <br />..Received a letter from Commissioner Burman explaining the Resolution <br />adopted by the Board of Commissioners establishing a new Park Ranger System., <br />Mr. Schneider asked if a bill previously submitted to the County for Park <br />Police protection had been received. It has not. <br />The Public Hearing for the Twilight Acres, 2nd addition for El Rehbein & <br />Son was called to order at 8:32 P.M. Mr. Locher read the notice of legal <br />publication. <br />Mr. Locher noted that 79th Avenue is listed as a cartway and asked if the <br />City has maintained it. The City has maintained this street. Mr. McLean <br />noted the Park Board has requested cash in lieu of land for Park purposes. <br />There was no questions from the audience. <br />Mr. MCLean moved to accept the preliminary plat of Twilight Acres 2nd <br />Addition per map description dated July 18, 1979 and subject to $1,595.00 <br />park dedication. Mr. Kulaszewicz seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. Blackbird noted one lot has been set aside for ponding. Mr. Gotwald <br />IIIsaid this lot must be dedicated for ponding and shown on the final plat. <br />There was no formal vote to adjourn this public hearing. <br />The Public Hearing for Pine Oaks, by Counsel Realty, was called to order. <br />Mr. Locher read the notice of legal publication. <br />Mr, MCLean noted there is no Planners recommendations in the file, <br />He also <br />
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