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08/07/1979 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/07/1979 Council Minutes
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August 7, 1979 <br />287 <br />that would fall into this categor, and this was further discussed. Mr. <br />McLean felt the intent of this section had been to encourage activity on <br />those zoned or special use permit properties as opposed to having nothing <br />happen on them for many years. <br />Mr. Locher noted that outlot G was subsequently rezoned in 1973 from R -5 <br />to R -1 to allow for singel family residence. Notice of the public hearing <br />appeared in the Forest Lake Times and was for the purpose of rezoning out - <br />ots C and I, Lakes Addition II from agricultural to R -1, as well as rezoning <br />outlots G from R -5 to R -1; it stated that ny special use permits granted <br />to allow construction of townhouses on outlot G were thereby withdrawn. <br />These outlots were then rezoned as of March 13, 1973. Mr. Zelinka commented <br />that the public notice specifically addressed the fact that the special <br />use permits also had been withdrawn; which would indicate that the Council <br />at that time felt they were still in force, and by implication that any <br />place else under a special use permit was not being withdrawn. <br />Mr. Locher reviewed the backgrould history of the proposed developments in <br />this area. which indicated that there had been townhouses platted and ser- <br />iously considered. A public hearing had been held on Chomonix South (1971 <br />R -5 zoning, 68 townhouse units on outlotK), but nothing had ever developed. <br />Chomonix East was also platter but never completed. Several Council minutes, <br />planner's letters, and records were consulted. The last time townhouse <br />developments had been considered before the Council was on June 23, 1975. <br />In answer to Mayor Karth's question about the Lake Drive area, Mr. Locher <br />answered that it had been zoned initially in Ordinance No. 6 in 1955; <br />Ordinance No. 6 was the base point in establishing all zoning in the City. <br />There wa a zoning map with Ordinance NO. 56, but that had never been adopted, <br />so that sections in Ordinance No. 6 had to be referred back to in those <br />cases, as it had never been changed. Ordinance No.6 had had only two <br />specific zonings; commercial and residential, which allowed 2 -4 family <br />dwellings. Ordinance No. 56 was much more sophisticated in its zonings. <br />Special use permits under Ordinance No. 6 had no special or dinal limitations <br />except that the Council could attach conditions if desired; it did not <br />specifically state whether special use permits went with the land or the <br />individual. <br />Mayor Karth pointed out that at this point the Council did not know how many <br />properties would be affected under Section 6.21, and that the properties <br />already mentioned had been bought and sold several times as commercial <br />property, which they no longer would be if 6.21 was enforced; this should <br />be a consideration. Sun Oil, Gulf Oil, and Feedrite were mentioned as <br />cases in point. Mr. Zelinka felt that if the Council took the position of <br />enforcing 6.21 uniformly, that it would be necessary to notify those affected. <br />He felt that these people have been given advice to the contrary, and in- <br />quired as to how an outsider would have been aware of this type of situation. <br />Mr. Locher said the law assumes everyone is aware of these things and that <br />publication in the newspapers is sufficient notice to the public. Mr. <br />McLean asked how the City stood from a liability standpoint; Mr. Locher <br />said there was no obligation; that the ordinances were available and notice <br />on Ordinance No 56 had been published and a public hearing held. There <br />was a question raised as to the situation when a buyer comes in three years <br />after the publication and was told by the seller that the property was <br />commercial; it was pointed out that attorneys are hired, and it is their <br />responsibility, but that when or if they checked with the City Hall, what <br />answer would they have gotten? It was felt taht for the future, the <br />Ordiannces should be codified, and also that special use permits should be <br />limited i:t individuals and not run with the alnd. Mr. Zelinka said that <br />
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