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08/22/1979 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/22/1979 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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298 <br />August 22, 1979 <br />in 1973 had suggested duplexes. Mr. McLean asked whether the existance <br />of the special use permits should be dealt with by a motion; Mr. Locher <br />agreed. He further asked if the motion should also deal with all other <br />special use permits since the effective date of Ordinance No. 56; Mr. <br />Locher indicated it would also have to cover any issued since that date. <br />Mr. McLean felt that the interpretation of section 6.21 ahould be on <br />record. Mr. Locher indicated that a public hearing would be necessary <br />to amend the ordinance for the inclusion of the words "special use permit" <br />in section 6.21, but for a decision on this particular permit, a public <br />hearing hearing was not required, as it was a matter of interpretation. <br />Mrs. Sarner inquired if the rezones and special use permits that were not <br />in use, those that would be null and void, would require public hearings <br />on each one of them. Mr. Locher suggested that one hearing be held on <br />zoning map and notice be sent to all people affected rather than hold- <br />ing hearings one at a time. Mayor Karth clarified that this applied <br />only to properties where the zoning was never used. A man in the audience <br />asked how the particluar ordinance that dealt with zoning is gotten off <br />the books; Mr. Locher indicated the only way to do so was by amending or <br />repealing it, and giving notice of that action. Mrs. Sarner noted that <br />each time there is a rezoning there is an ordinance written pertaining <br />to that rezoning. Mayor Karth felt that all that was at issue was <br />special use permits, which were null and void under section 6.21 after <br />3 years; as far as the interpretation of this, a public hearing could be <br />set. However, it was brought up by Mr. Schneider that no special hear- <br />ing would be required for this interpretation. Mr. McLean moved "that <br />the Council resolve to accept an interpretation of section 6.21 that will <br />include both rezone and special use permits as originally intended by <br />those parties involved in drafting this ordinance. Also, this definition <br />is effective with the original date of Ordinance No. 56 and all parties <br />affected by this interpretation must be notified at once by the City <br />so that we can determine the impact on various parties. In order to <br />make this motion effective for purposes of clarification Mr. McLean also <br />moved that an amendment to 6.21 be initiated and a public hearing set." <br />Mr. Schneider seconded the motion. All were in favor, Motion declared <br />passed. <br />Mr. Locher, in reference to the special use permits, said they were now <br />void, but not revoked, that special use permit #27 and all like it, <br />including rezones, were void. Mayor Karth felt the next step would be <br />to get a list of all special use permits that fall in the category. Mrs. <br />Sarner will research this and have the list ready by the last Council <br />meeting in September. Mr. Locher will draft the amendment to the ord= <br />inance. The Public hearing was set for the first meeting in October. <br />Mr. Locher asked if the Council would consider changing section 5.02E to <br />comply with State law; it now required that within 350 feet of any <br />parcel 5 acres or more in area, notification shall be by registered mail; <br />The State statute did not require registered mail, which was expensive. <br />Mr. Schneider moved to have Mr. Locher come up with recommended changes <br />to both sections referred to. Mr. Karth seconded the motion. All were <br />in favor. Motion declared passed. Mr. Locher will these ready by the <br />first meeting in September. <br />Mr. Gourley asked about the situation in reference to special use permits <br />where the use was in existance, but the parties had never complied fully <br />with the conditions set forth on the permit. Mr. McLean said that be- <br />cause of limited manpower, these had not been pursue on a regular basis <br />unless there was a complaint. Mr. Gourley asked if he understood cor- <br />rectly that the Council would initiate a program of reviewing all special <br />use permits on an annual basis. Mayor Karth inidcated this would become <br />
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