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06/24/1991 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/24/1991 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Work Session Regular
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220 <br />COUNCIL WORK SESSION JUNE 24 1991 <br />(5:36 P.M.) <br />Mayor Bisel called a work session of the Lino Lakes City Council <br />to order at 5:36 P.M., Monday, June 24, 1991. Council Members <br />present: Neal, Reinert, Bohjanen. Council Members absent: <br />Kuether. City Assessor, Todd Smith; Administrative Assistant, <br />Dan Tesch and Clerk - Treasurer Marilyn Anderson were also present. <br />City Planner, John Miller arrived later. <br />The purpose of the meeting was to discuss how properties are <br />valued and how valuation affects taxes. <br />Mr. Smith was introduced. He gave the Council a handout which <br />outlined changes that were enacted by the 1991 legislature. <br />Changes will effect the 1992 payable taxes. Mr. Smith explained <br />the information in the handout. <br />Mr. Smith said he felt the major effect of the 1991 legislation <br />was the additional losses in local government aid. He noted that <br />the 1/2 cent sales tax will lessen the effect of the loss of aid. <br />Mayor Bisel noted that it appeared that sales in a particular <br />area seem to have a great affect on the valuation of adjoining <br />property. He asked if a particular lot sold for $75,000.00 did <br />this mean that all nearby lots would be valued at $75,000.00. <br />Mr. Smith said no. Mayor Bisel asked what is a fair or equitable <br />increase in property taxes. Mr. Smith said the there is no "cap" <br />of how much the value of a property could increase in a year. <br />Mr. Smith explained that the City had contracted with Anoka <br />County to re- assess the entire City in a two (2) year time span. <br />The County did accomplish this. This meant that properties that <br />were greatly undervalued were increased dramatically in one (1) <br />year. Mr. Smith also noted that the State mandates that all <br />property be valued at 100% of market value. He explained that <br />the previous Assessor did increase values over a short period of <br />time. Anoka County tries to maintain a 93% to 95% valuation. <br />Mayor Bisel expressed concern that values could be greatly <br />increased on property owned by retirees on a fixed income. He <br />felt this might be forcing some people to sell their homes. <br />Mr. Smith said the lake shore properties have increased <br />dramatically in value. He will be looking at these properties <br />more closely, analyzing sales and breaking the valuation down per <br />front foot. <br />Council Member Reinert expressed concern that land values could <br />become higher than structure values. Mr. Smith said that is the <br />current trend. He gave examples on Coon Lake in East Bethel. <br />Mayor Bisel noted that White Bear Lake is the highest taxed city <br />PAGE 1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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