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12 <br />COUNCIL MEETING MAY 8, 1995 <br />term forum on Saturday, April 29, 1995. The purpose of the mid- <br />term forum was to share ideas and provide a view point as to <br />where each group is headed. She noted that the project is on <br />track, and the groups have done a good job of "visioning ". Ms. <br />Sullivan noted that "visioning" is not what anyone expected. <br />"Visioning" is not problem solving or process development but is <br />a statement of desired outcome. At this point, "visioning" is <br />from the citizens standpoint. It is also the first step in the <br />planning process. This step will be finished at the end of May <br />or the middle of June when completed recommendations from each <br />group are given to the City Council. <br />The next step in the process is implementation. The official <br />document will be given to the City Council. The information in <br />the document should be reviewed by the City Council and a <br />determination should be made on how the statements can and should <br />fit with what is currently being done by the City Council. This <br />is the point where the staff does an indepth review. Does the <br />City currently have these things in place or are there <br />adjustments to be made? The process will move from a citizen <br />focus to a city focus and will try to combine the two (2) <br />visions. <br />Ms. Sullivan noted that there is some confusion over what are <br />each others roles. She used an example from the Growth Planning <br />Advisory group. They have a vision, "for Lino Lakes to be <br />recognized with closely knit neighborhoods, citizens who work <br />closely with government and be an environmental friendly place to <br />come home to ". Ms. Sullivan said this should give City staff a <br />focus. She explained that this is what the citizens are looking <br />for and while it may not be possible or even probable to put into <br />place all of the action plans that are being devised, this is the <br />way the citizens feel the action "visions" should be implemented <br />but not the only way. They understand very clearly that there <br />may be reasons why things they have recommended cannot be <br />implemented the way they have recommended them. However, it is <br />important for the City Council and staff to understand the intent <br />of the vision so in time they can be implemented. <br />Ms. Sullivan read the recommendation from the Growth Planning <br />Advisory Group, "the City should foster a sense of community <br />through careful planning and design. In addition, the City <br />should promote a sense of identity that captures the unique <br />attributes that Lino Lakes has to offer within the community ". <br />The action list for this "vision" includes, create and maintain <br />cooperation between the City and various service or civic <br />organizations. Ms. Sullivan explained that when the City <br />receives this document, an analysis should be made to determine <br />whether or not there is a process to do what this advisory group <br />PAGE 2 <br />