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07/24/1995 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/24/1995 Council Minutes
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COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 24, 1995 <br />Thursday, August 10, 1995 at 7:00 P.M. Both meetings will be held at the Rice Lake <br />Elementary School. At both meetings, there will be a brief presentation about the <br />proposed amendment as well as the current City Charter. City Attorney, Bill Hawkins <br />and an attorney from the League of Minnesota Cites will attend the meeting tomorrow to <br />answer questions about the proposed amendment and the City Charter. Mr. Hawkins will <br />attend the August 10, 1995 meeting. <br />Senator Jane Krentz appeared before the City Council to introduce herself and to let the <br />City Council know that she is very interested in working with the City Council on issues. <br />She gave a copy of her Capitol Report to each Council Member and explained that she <br />will be out into the neighborhoods this summer to listen to people. She noted the <br />population growth in Lino Lakes and explained that there are entire neighborhoods that <br />did not exist when she ran for the Senate position. <br />Senator Krentz explained that her focus is on education and also how education is funded. <br />She feels that it is important that property taxes fund local services and that the state <br />provide funding for education. <br />Senator Krentz explained that she was the chief author of the Frivolous Prisoner Lawsuit <br />legislation that was adopted requiring prisoners to pay the filing fees and court costs from <br />prison earnings when they file lawsuits. <br />Another major initiative that Senator Krentz proposed is called ENABL. It is a high - <br />profile abstinence -based teen pregnancy - prevention program which will be implemented <br />over the next two (2) years. This legislation is aimed at 12 to 14 year old boys and girls <br />and will be taught in churches, schools and community youth groups. The legislation tries <br />to counter the sexual messages given to youth on TV and music radio. The ENABL <br />message tells youth that it is OK to be kids a while longer. Everyone can agree that this is <br />a good strategy to support the youth. <br />Mayor Reinert thanked Senator Krentz for her message. Senator Krentz invited the <br />Council to call her at any time if there is an issue that could use her help. <br />Anoka County Sheriff Larry Podany introduced himself to the Council and said he <br />appreciated the opportunity to present a Joint Powers Agreement for transporting <br />prisoners. He noted the transportation of prisoners was an issue at the time he was <br />elected Sheriff. A prisoner transportation unit was recently created which would provide <br />prisoner transportation during the busier times of the week. Sheriff Podany explained how <br />the transportation unit operates and that a trail period beginning the last weekend in June <br />and ending the last week of October has been in operation for several weeks. The project <br />will be evaluated at the end of October to determine how effective the transportation plan <br />is. Possibly the transportation plan can be expanded to cover other busy times of the <br />month. Sheriff Podany gave further information regarding the Joint Powers Agreement. <br />PAGE 2 <br />
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