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10/19/1972 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
10/19/1972 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />10 -24 -72 <br />in writing from Loosen P l urpb i ng and Heating that they w i l l take care of the damage <br />cost done to the pumphouse is received. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried <br />with Mr. Marier voting no. <br />The Cohncil then considered the final acceptance recommendations for the sewer and water <br />mains. Mr. Locher reminded the Council they must have plans for hauling the waste <br />and some plans for billing. <br />Mr. Cardinal said this was true but that we can't hold back on the payment just because <br />we don't have plans for handling the system. Mr. Marier said he had some questions as <br />to what was put into the system and he moved to table the acceptance until the next <br />meeting. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried with Mr. CArdinal voting No. <br />All plans for handling the system must be ready for the next meeting. The Clerk <br />was asked to contact Mr. Carlson, who is doing the hauling now, and ask him to appear <br />at our next meeting and to bring a sampling of his billings for the hauling service. <br />Mr. Tom Melcher appeared before the Council with a complaint in regards to Mr. Boyd, <br />Plumbing inspector. His plumbing system passed the first, but did not pass the <br />second test, and had been red tagged by Mr. Boyd. There was much discussion on his <br />problem and as to the probable cause. Mr. Marier moved to waive the 10 day compliance <br />on the red tag and to have Mr. Boyd and Mr. Melchor at the next meeting in order to <br />resolve their differences. Seconded by Mr. CArdinal. Motion Carried. <br />Mr. Marier questioned the requisitions for plugs, points and condensers for the <br />Police Cars and the truck. He would have the Clerk check and see when the last ones <br />were bought for these vehicles. <br />Mr. Marier moved to hold the requisitions for plugs, points, and condensers for <br />Vehicles #200 -300- 302. Mr. CArdinal seconded. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Zelinka moved to have Mr. Backlin get two written bids for 64th Street. Mr. <br />Marier seconded. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to approve requisitions No. 149 thru 153 and $156. Mr. Zelinka <br />seconded. Motion Carried. <br />Mr. CArdinal moved to approve the bills #4471 thru #4797 inclusive. Mr. Zelinka <br />seconded. Motion Carried. <br />Mr. Marier moved to adjourn at 1 1 :00 P. M. Mr. Cardinal seconded. Aye. <br />CMinutes approved at November 13 , 1972 meeting. -�� <br />Clerk-Treasurer <br />October 19, 1972 <br />The special assessment hearing for U. S. Lakes Development Company was called to order at <br />8:10 P. M. by Mayor Bohjanen. Turstees present Marier and Zelinka. Absent were Mr. <br />Cardinal and Mr. Jaworski. Attorney Locher, Mr. Gottwald, Mr. Carley, Mr. Springsted were <br />IIIalso present. Mr. Dielentheis and Mr. Busch represented U. S. Lakes Development Company. <br />Mr. Locher read the notices of publications and mailing. <br />Mr. Bohjanen asked Mr. Marier to read the recommendations from the P. & Z Board. "Mr. <br />Kelling moved that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend to the Council that the <br />two applications for variance to our Zoning Code presented by U. S. Lakes Development <br />
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