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12/11/1972 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
12/11/1972 Council Minutes
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72 <br />11 -27 -72 <br />at different times during the year when we needed. Mr. Marier asked if we bought by <br />the tonnage or cubic yard. Mr. Jaworski thought it was by the cubic yard. There was <br />discussion as to the differences between the two methods. It was suggested that out <br />next bids should be by the ton. <br />Mr. CArdinal moved to adjourn at 11:20 P. M. SEconded by Mr. Jaworski. Aye. <br />Minutes approved at December I I , 1972 Council meeting. „ -t --4/ <br />Clerk= Treasurer <br />December 1 1 , 1972 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Village Council was called to order at 8:00 P. M. <br />on December 11, 1972 by Acting Mayor Marier. Councilmen present Cardinal, Jaworski, <br />Zelinka. Absent; Mayor Bohjanen due to illness. Mr. Locher and Mr. Gotwald were also <br />present. <br />Mr. McMurchie gave the Council a copy of the contract for police protection that he had <br />received from Spring Park, Mound and Minnetrists. He told them of a meeting at the <br />Lexington Village Hall on December 14, at 8:00 P. M. The Lexington and Circle Pines <br />representatives will attend and he asked that Lino Lakes be represented. <br />The Minutes of the November 27, 1972 minutes were corrected as follows: Page 2, <br />Paragraph 4, I i ne 4, should read "10x14", Page 3, paragraph 7 , should read <br />"Lilac" and entrance to "B" building. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to accept the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Motion III <br />carried. <br />The Clerk reported that she had received: <br />1. An inquiry from a Mr. Pan ion from the 1st National Bank on the status of Marsham <br />Lane. Was it a Village Street? She had gone through the old records and found <br />an affidavit signed by Mr. William Kammerer and Mr. Emil Erickson stating that <br />it always had been a road as long as they could remember. Mr. Locher said that <br />isn't enough, we need proof of maintenance. Mr. Gotwald said he thought that <br />Marsham Lane was on a list that he had turned over to the Vi I lage with a re- <br />commendation to take over several years ago. Mr. Cardinal motioned to have the <br />Clerk check the minutes from 1970 and report back to the Council. Seconded by <br />Mr. Jaworski . Motion carried. <br />2. Reported that she had put a $10,000.00 binder for insurance on the Lift station. <br />There was discussion as to the value and how much insurance we should carry on <br />the Station. Mr. Jaworski moved to insure the Lift Station for $25,000.00. <br />Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion carried. <br />3. There was discussion on the increasing the building values by 15 %. Mr. Ray had <br />called the Clerk with the information that the premium would be $101.15 more. Mr. <br />Cardinal moved to increase the building value by 15 %. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. <br />Motion carried. <br />4. The Clerk had received a request for partial payment from the North Suburban <br />Fence Company who is installing the fence around the Pump House. After discussion <br />Mr. Zelinka moved to authorize 2/3 payment after we have received lein waivers <br />and the fence has been inspected. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried. <br />5. Read the letter from Mr. Robert Herbst concerning the gravel pit. There was <br />
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