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01/08/1973 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
01/08/1973 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />January 8, 1973 <br />The first regular meeting of 1973 was called to order at 8:00 P.M. on January 8, 1973, by <br />Mayor Bohjanen. <br />Attorney Locher administered the oath of office to Mr. Richard Zelinka, and Mr. Ronald <br />Jaworski as Trustees and to Mr. Marvin Myhre as Constable. <br />Rev. Kenneth Willard of the Gethsemane Methodist church gave the invocation. <br />Mayor Bohjanen them read a summary of the accomplishments of the "Citizen of the Year ". <br />He cited the many organizations and positions that Mr. Arnold Kelling has served on in <br />his years in our Village. Mr. Kelling responded to the award by saying that, "all these <br />things were possible only because of the help received from the people of the Village ". <br />The Clerk then called the roll. Counci Imen present; Cardinal, Jaworski, Marier and <br />Zelinka; absent, none. <br />Mr. Marier moved to approve the minutes of December 26th as written. Seconded by Mr. <br />Cardinal. Carried with Mr. Jaworski and Mr. Zelinka abstaining. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to approve the special meeting of January 6th as written. Seconded <br />by Mr. Cardinal. Motion carried with Mr. Marier abstaining. <br />Mayor Bohajanen then moved to the appointments. The Council agreeing to take the <br />appointments a few at a time. Mayor Bohjanen noting that the Clerk- Treasurer is a hired <br />position and therefore unnecessary to appoint a person to that position but he wished the <br />records to show that the Clerk- Treasurer is Mrs. Edna Sarner with Mrs. Judy Helin and <br />Mrs. Joan Heath acting as Deputy Clerks. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to appoint the firm of Babcock, Locher, Nelson and Mannella as the <br />legal firm for the Village with Mr. Lan do l Locher as their representative to the Village <br />also to appoint the firm of Milner Carley Associates as the Engineering prepresentatives <br />with Mr. George Gotwald as their representative to the Village. Seconded by Mr. Marier. <br />Carried. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to appoint Mr. Tom Van Housen as Planner for the Village. Seconded <br />by Mr. Jaworski. Carried. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to approve the appointments of Mr. Albert Dupre, as Building Inspector; <br />Mrs. Edna Sarner as temporary Assessor; Mr. Arnold Kelling as Deputy Assessor, and Mr. R. <br />V. Ellingsen as Weed Inspector. Seconded by Mr. Marier. Carried. <br />Mr. Cardinal moved to approve the appointment of Mr. Bruce Fleming for Animal Control; <br />Mr. Charles Cape as CD Director; Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Carried. <br />Mr. Zelinka moved to approve the appointments of Mr. Jim Livingston as Fire Marshall, <br />Mr. Waldemar Hill as Auditor, and Mr. Roy Backlin as Road and Park Supervisor. Seconded <br />by Mr. Jaworski. Carried. <br />The Clerk read a letter from Mr. Robert Vadnais of White Bear Lake in reference to the <br />Plumbing Inspector;s position. Mr. Jaworski asked if he would be available during the <br />day; Mr. Bohjanen said Yes, Mr. Marier asked if the salary would be the same basis as <br />now and was told yes, Mr. Zelinka moved to approve the appointment of Mr. Robert Vadnais <br />as Plumbing inspector for the Village for 1973. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. <br />Mr. Jerome Boyd reported that Mr. Vadnais is a plumbing contractor and Mr. Boyd felt there <br />would be a conflict of interest. Mr. Locher suggested that as part of the motion that <br />
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