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01/08/1973 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
01/08/1973 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />January 8, 1973 <br />Mayor Bohjanen appointed the following persons to serve on the Environmental Commission <br />for the time designated: <br />1. Art Hawkins 1 year <br />2. Gerald Clausen 2 years <br />3. Arthur Robyn I year <br />4. Mrs. Sylvia Brison I year <br />5. Mrs. Mary Sawyer 3 years <br />Mr. Zelinka moved to approve the appointments. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski - Carried. <br />Mayor Bohjanen appointed Mr. Richard Zelinka acting Mayor. He then assigned the following <br />duties: <br />1. Counci Iman in charge of Roads and Bridges, Mr. Jaworski <br />2. Councilman in charge of Planning & Zoning, Mr. Marier <br />3. Councilman in charge of Parks, Mr. Cardinal <br />4. Counci Iman in charge of attending North Suburban Sewer Service Board, Mr. Marier <br />with Mr. Bohjanen as alternate. <br />5. Councilman in hcarge of Personnel Commission, Mr. Zelinka <br />6. Councilman Representative to Metro Transit, Mr. Jaworski <br />7. In Charge of Police, Office, Civil Defense and Fire Dept., Mr. Bohjanen. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to approve the appointments. SEconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried. <br />III On the matter of the Anoka County Association of Municipalities, the general consensus <br />was that since the Village is already a member of the Minnesota Municipalities, they felt <br />that this would be a dupliation of activities and we should wait and see what the activities <br />of this organization will be. Mr. Jaworski so moved. Seconded by Mr. Marier. Carried. <br />The Clerk reported on the request for a turn - around through the Lexington Park Lakeview <br />area from the Metro Transit System who will be taking over the Dickenson Lines around the <br />1st of February. There was a question as to the advisability of allowing vehicles of the <br />weight of these buses to use the streets in that area. The Council generally felt that <br />those streets are not constructed so as to be able to stand under that sort of usage. Mr.' <br />Jaworski suggested tabling this matter until we have more information. Mr. Al Ross suggested <br />the route of Sunset to Elm Street to 0Id Highway #8 to North Road thus serving more people <br />in the area and using streets that will stand up under the traffic. <br />Mr. Marier moved to write a letter to the Metro Transit suggesting the above route and <br />informaing them of our concern for the streets in the Lexington Park Lakeview area. <br />Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Carried. <br />The Clerk read a letter from the State Highway Department on the light at the intersection <br />of Old Highway #8 and #49. The Highway Department does not maintain any lights except <br />those on freeways. Much discussion followed. The light that is presently located \here <br />the old cutoff was belongs to the Village. It was suggested that we contact NSP about <br />moving that I i ght. Mr. Marier moved to have the clerk write to the highway department <br />informing them of the accident rate on that intersection since the change. Ask them for <br />detailed plans as to what they plan for the Spring in order to move the light there now <br />III to a more useful) position without having to move it again when the department re -does <br />that intersection. Mr. Marier also suggested sending a copy of the letter to the State <br />Highway Patrol. Seconded by Mr. Cardinal. Carried. Also that we should contact NSP <br />engineers for help in relocating the present light. <br />Reported that we have received the second half of the Federal Revenue Sharing in the amount <br />of $9,585.,00 and read the accompanying letter explaining the differences from the first <br />half payment. <br />
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