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12-01-2014 Council Work Session Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
12-01-2014 Council Work Session Minutes
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1/14/2015 12:40:09 PM
Creation date
12/16/2014 11:16:14 AM
City Council
Council Document Type
Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Work Session Regular
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CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION December 1, 2014 <br />APPROVED <br />46 <br />47 Mayor Reinert remarked that he hears that the council is interested in continuing the <br />48 discussion. He likes the idea because it connects with the Blue Heron Days and the <br />49 city's lakes. He suggests that the inclusion of a fireworks display would be good. The <br />50 council suggested that, considering the location, sponsorships could be sought in the <br />51 region rather than just the city. <br />52 <br />53 Staff will report to the council after discussing the concept with Anoka County. <br />54 <br />55 2. Steve Markuson, Twin Cities Gateway Bureau — Public Services Director <br />56 DeGardner noted that the council expressed interest in learning more about the <br />57 organization that handles tourism in the area and receives a lodging tax, Twin Cities <br />58 Gateway. He introduced the Executive Director of the organization, Steve Markuson. <br />59 <br />60 Mr. Markuson gave a presentation highlighting the following: <br />61 The importance of tourism; <br />62 The benefits of tourism that extend beyond hotel nights to money spent <br />63 throughout the community; <br />64 The impact of tourism on Anoka County; <br />65 - The objectives the Twin Cities Gateway including promoting travel and <br />66 stimulating economic impacts; <br />67 - Their focus on on-line marketing and targeting a geographic market; <br />68 - Their goal of increasing hotel use during traditional downtime and enhancement <br />69 of website engagement. <br />70 <br />71 Regarding the organization's budget, Mr. Markuson explained that the entire budget is <br />72 generated through a state authorized lodging tax that is distributed based on a formula. <br />73 The organization maintains a conservative financial position with fund reserves and <br />74 minimizes its overhead/administrative costs. Mr. Markuson added that the hotel <br />75 occupancy rates in the region continue to rise. He gave examples of their advertising that <br />76 includes special promotion of community events. <br />77 <br />78 The mayor discussed the possibility of submitting a grant request for advertising for a <br />79 power boat racing event in the city. Mr. Markuson explained the grant process and noted <br />80 that a grant in the area of $5,000 could be requested but he added that such grants are not <br />81 meant as long term funding sources. <br />82 <br />83 Council Member Roeser asked for advice on stimulating business to come to the city. <br />84 Mr. Markuson explained how events chose their venues, noting that banquet space is a <br />85 must. <br />86 <br />87 3. Final 2015 Budget Review — Finance Director Rolek noted that the council has <br />88 received the final budget. He distributed and reviewed the Parks and Recreation budget <br />89 for discussion, noting that the fund does have a surplus some of which will be transferred <br />90 to the General Fund. Council Member Kusterman asked about the usual nature of such a <br />2 <br />
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